Game freezing “save and share” a tune

This happens when I try to save and share a tune, the tune stats are replaced with caution signs, I can’t use the tunes and I can’t select them, only the delete button works. If I try to “save and share” the Xbox freezes. Any ideas?


I get the same on pc.

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I got the same problem.
Game freezes on Xbox when i save and share.
When i save a tune i cannot load it afterwards and theres these caution signs.

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I got an email from support, they asked if my tunes were imported from old versions of the game or fresh. They are fresh, made in forza 7. Also they asked if I had tried starting a new game with the same profile, I have not tried that, I don’t really want to start over. Has anyone tried this?

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yep i just started getting this today right in the middle of sharing a group of cars i tuned , and im not going to start a new game to help them bug test the game …


If they say anything else I will post it here. I am also unwilling to restart, that’s not a solution.

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*** solution / baindaid ***

to get a tune to work pick a car that is freezing when you “save and share” then delete all of your “corrupt” tunes. Then go to “upgrades” and “setup manager” and reset the car to factory defaults. Then immediately save that “stock tune” as something. Then go and customize the parts and tune it. When ready hit “save and share” and pick that file you created with the “stock tune” and overwrite it. This allows me to create tunes finally that save & doesn’t freeze my game.

Good luck!, hopefully they fix this soon but until then…

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ty for the work around

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i can no longer save tuning setups in general they instantly become corrupt . was limited to just the save and share feature . i understand the game has countless bugs , some larger or smaller than this , but this is just a tad bit annoying

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this is still happening , any info or even an “investigating” tag would be nice .

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Another solution that seems to work well is to buy another car IE duplicate of the car with the corrupt tunes. Basically copy your tune that you have on your other car (car with the corrupted tunes) onto a piece of paper. Then apply this tune to the new car and save it. This new tune save will uncorrupt the original car. This method is useful if you like to keep your original car with the mileage stats and wins etc. Then you can either keep both cars or sell the second one you bought.

Simple list in ORDER that worked for me to save my original car.

  1. Delete all corrupted tune saves from car.
  2. Buy identical matching car.
  3. Create a new tune save for the second car you just bought.
  4. Get back into the original car that had the corrupted tunes.
  5. Apply the new tune that you just made to the original car.
    *6. Return to the second car and remove it from the game/sell the car.
  • Optional NOTE: when I did this method I opted to just remove the car from the game rather then selling it in the auction house and possibly passing on a car with a corrupt tune save. But I guess you could try selling it to recoup some credits. Another option would be just selling it back to the game.

I liked this method because it enabled me to keep my original car. Hope this works for you guys. So far it has been working for me. The only draw back is buying another car if it’s really expensive, but credits seem to come pretty easy in this game so not a big deal.

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Disregard ^^^^^ above workaround because it no longer works. This issue needs acknowledged and addressed by someone from TURN 10. It is turning into a game breaking issue. Every single car I purchase has this issue now.

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I was wondering why at least half of the tunes on any car show E100 ! Luckily it hasn’t happened to me yet, but this needs a hotfix asap. Also the thousands of corrupt tunes need to be deleted.

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game freezes whe i want to download a tune for the Forumla E cars.
suggested fixes don’t work for me.

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Add me to the list of people with completely broken, corrupted tunes. Can’t download tunes, can’t save and share (making some achievements impossible), and can’t even save and keep my own tunes.

9/10 - IGN

Same issue on mine ever since release!

Emailed back and forward about it and always told it’s being investigated. Don’t expect to buy ultimate versions of the game on release and still have these issues months down the line, takes the fun out of playing it as well now as never know what else is going to go wrong and cause it to crash.

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Three cars in a row yesterday where I had this issue with saving and sharing tunes. I have had this issue since November 2017. I have been emailing them at since! I am constantly told that they are investigating. Back in November when I lost my entire game save and had this issue with the tunes as well, I got the feeling that my case was not taken seriously and that it was something that I was doing to cause it.

Well, flash forward to present day. My problems on XBOX have only been with FM7. I was originally playing the game on a day one edition XBOX. I have since upgraded to a One X and the issues are still there. So far since playing FM7, I have lost my entire game save, lost my car pass, racetracks disappear and I cannot save and share my tunes. I have even had the driver stuck in my garage floor up to his waist. (See my screen captures.)

The save and share tune issue is a huge issue. Having to buy another car and manually applying the build and the tune is a HUGE waste of the players time and credits.

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for me, the work around ChristinaRacing posted above still works. I tried it this morning on the Infiniti IPL G I had issued with tunes on, and it’s worked a treat. Thanks for the info.