Download the FREE Honda Legends Car Pack, available now for Forza Motorsport 5!
Vehicles in this year’s pack include the 2014 Civic Si coupe, 1984 CRX Mugen-Racing, and 94’Prelude Si. Enjoy taking these cars out on the open track within Forza Motorsport 5 and test drive them from the comfort of your own home.
I assume you’re trying to say I can’t share a respectful opinion on this content, because I have chosen to forego buying a new console until more games are available for it/the price decreases?
The fact that I follow Forza 5 news while not owning it is proof that I have faith in Turn 10 as a developer. Cool your jets.
Still, thanks T10 for free content always appreciated.
But I tend to don’t get really exited about everyday household cars
like these. But sure, thanks anyway. It’s a nice gesture…
a pleasant surprise just like it was for horizon. I definitely appreciate the hard work in creating these cars and am looking forward to driving the crx and prelude. I’ve been waiting for a prelude. Again, wonderful work to the crew at T10 and those at Honda.
I had totally expected this to be the exact same car pack as Horizon…
My mind exploded when I thought I saw the Prelude whilst scrolling the Facebooks… Scroll back up… and it is true. I had the exact same Prelude Si… Sadly, I had to let her go, in June. Now She can stay with me forever. TY T10 <3