FREE Honda Legends Car Pack - OUT NOW

Announcement Trailer - Honda Legends Car Pack Trailer

SURPRISE! :slight_smile:

Download the FREE Honda Legends Car Pack, available now for Forza Motorsport 5!

Vehicles in this year’s pack include the 2014 Civic Si coupe, 1984 CRX Mugen-Racing, and 94’Prelude Si. Enjoy taking these cars out on the open track within Forza Motorsport 5 and test drive them from the comfort of your own home.


CnP from the first thread:

Why they didn’t bring back the '86 Si is beyond me; that car would’ve convinced me to get the game.

'84 CRX just isn’t the same.

Woot that Mugen crx looks bad in the good way

You still don’t have the game or console?

And is still moaning about it lol.

I try, I try.

I assume you’re trying to say I can’t share a respectful opinion on this content, because I have chosen to forego buying a new console until more games are available for it/the price decreases?

The fact that I follow Forza 5 news while not owning it is proof that I have faith in Turn 10 as a developer. Cool your jets.

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Color me interested.

I think it was more of a curious question with you posting on the forum and not having one, not a personal attack.

Thank you for this good Car Pack :slight_smile:

1st gen Rex! Woohoo!!!

3rd gen 'lude! Yay!!

Oh, and there’s a new Civic.

Anyway, thanks Turn 10 and Honda!

Actually thats a fourth gen lude if the had a 3rd gen 4 wheel steering that would have been awesome but 3rd gen is 88-91

Surprise indeed Helios! Love it! Thanks alot!

Still, thanks T10 for free content always appreciated.
But I tend to don’t get really exited about everyday household cars
like these. But sure, thanks anyway. It’s a nice gesture…

Thanks T10 :slight_smile:

Nice surprise indeed, not a Honda fan myself but hey, its free!

Thanks T10 for the free pack!

a pleasant surprise just like it was for horizon. I definitely appreciate the hard work in creating these cars and am looking forward to driving the crx and prelude. I’ve been waiting for a prelude. Again, wonderful work to the crew at T10 and those at Honda.

I had totally expected this to be the exact same car pack as Horizon…

My mind exploded when I thought I saw the Prelude whilst scrolling the Facebooks… Scroll back up… and it is true. I had the exact same Prelude Si… Sadly, I had to let her go, in June. Now She can stay with me forever. TY T10 <3

Prelude 7img by -MARS- Photography, on Flickr

My 1994 Honda Prelude by -MARS- Photography, on Flickr


nice, very clean lude. gotta love these type of surprises. thanks T10. how bout a old school shelby gt500 elenor next.