FPS randomly locking to 50 while playing Forza Horizon 4 online and offline.

After playing this game for over a month now I keep running into the same issue. That issue being that at random times, but mostly when switching cars, my fps will go from a steady 80 to a low 50. nothing seems to change this, like going into Horizon Solo or going to a simple area. I really hope this could be fixed, since I really enjoy playing this game with friends.


GPU: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 2200G with Radeon Vega Graphics
Memory: 8 GB RAM (7.7 GB RAM usable)

yep !! same here cant even get consistance of 60 fps in my GTX 1060 6GB gpu and its a laptop ( i7 7700 HQ +16 GB ram ) .FPS drop to 48 .i used to play ULTRA in beta also from launch .but now can’t even get steady FPS of 60.hope next furure patch will improve performance .