FPS lock to refresh rate?

It seens that the game has a hidden fps lock that follows my monitor refresh rate (60hz) is that correct?

I’m asking that because i have Unlocked Framerate set and Vsync OFF but the FPS stays at 60FPS and GPU usage 80-90%.

That does not occurs at the ingame benchmark, where the fps goes higher and GPU usage 100%.

CPU 4790k @4.7
GPU 1080ti
16gb DDR3 1866mhz

Monitor Dell u2410 refresh rate 60hz.

It seems that way. I had a slider, but in my case only 144fps shows as an option.

I could change between 20, 30, 60 or unlocked fps. Even if i set to 20, 30 or as i said unlocked fps still remains at 60fps.

I’m not complaying, the game is really damn well optimized, just wondering if is that the expected behavior.

In my case, it has 144 and some higher FPS, but the game actually respects it.
I just don’t have 60 FPS as an option, and have to change the refresh rate in order to play at 60FPS.

That happens to me only in Horizon 3: the fps I set in game settings isn’t respected.

Something is definitely up. Even when I set the FPS limit to 30 on PC it still ran at 60fps.