Forzathon Translation....again...


again the translation of the Jan. 25th - Feb 1st event is poor as hell. Fine As Vintage or in german: Ein guter Oldtimer is translated that poorly & I can’t even find the events descriptions in this forum as well.

so for all poor german players, to accomplish the event you need to
Gewinnen Sie ein Rennen in einer Kompaktsportwagen Ikone!

For you Turn 10 In the german translation the important word Icon is missing. the car division is sports compact icons german its only sports compact cars.


Thanks mate.

It’s now the 2nd time in a row, I have to search for the correct english text to get to know, what I have exactly to do.
It happens way to often now.

Turn 10: Stop translating the texts, if you can’t do it correct.
Correct english is better than wrong german/missing important words.

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Hello all,

We apologize for the incorrect translation for the “A Fine Vintage” #Forzathon challenges. Below are the requirements for each challenge.

  1. Win a Race in a Sport Compact Icons division car
  2. Complete 5 Laps at Laguna Seca in a Vintage GT Racing division car
  3. Complete a Race in a Vintage Sport GT division car

I wrote for months about bad translations.
I live in Italy and our translations are really bad.
For an example, now in February VIP Forzathon the first request is to win against another player in an event called ( In Italian ) “Vaporizzato”.
Now…there isn’t an event called so and if we want to translate it, the english version will be “Vaporised”.
Searching in YouTube I found one player that unfortunately not play that event but I can see in his Forzathon list the correct name for that event and is “Steam Blower”.
Now, which is the translated name for the event that I must to search ?
Because noone of the events in VIP section meet, if translated, that name.
Turn 10, told us that want to improve FM7 instead to launch FM8.
I think that T10 can start to improve this game starting from this…realize better translations.
For now, these translations are worse than Google Translator.

P.S. Sorry for my not correct english.

Edit for the Italian players : The race is that called “Vento del Deserto” that translated is “Desert Wind” that not meet however “Steam Blower”…this is really sad.

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But January-VIP part 3 has the same issue in german.
Translated it says “Complete a race at prag in a manufacturer car”.
Its missing the important word “short”, because prag full doesn’t count.

Guys, don’t wanna criticize all the time, but this is slightly annoying.

ja man die deutsche Übersetzung is der hammer ← german
yes the german translation is …

greetings from Germany

Yes aaand they did it Again…ups…like Britney would say. As said before. In German the February VIP rivals is called Wüstenwind. Operation DESERT STORM :smiley: …pls. T10 don’t translate the rival events.

And again. For all german drivers: Schnittites Aussehen, schnittig bleiben, in english looking superfast, keeping it superfast… there is no Indy track playable at night. driving it threw daytime will unlock the last reward.