Gallery Error

I’m trying to view the photo’s I take on Forza 5 and I ‘share’ … but when I come onto to view them, under my Gallery ‘geekingav’s gallery’, I’m getting someone else’s gallery … someone who has Forza4 … which I don’t.


I’ve just replied to someone else on the forums who is having this exact problem… because I am ALSO having this problem, AND you have the same gallery photos as I did when I logged into my Forza account. Who on Earth owns this gallery and why has it taken over everyone elses gallery?

On top of then, when i refresh the page every few minutes, the photos CHANGE to a completely different set. And I have no idea how to fix it… this is completely WEIRD in my opinion.

Hi all,

We’re aware of this issue and working on a fix as we speak. Shouldn’t hopefully be too long.

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