Weirdest thing Today… started up Horizon and got 240,000 Gifted Credits. I was shocked and immediately checked to see if they updated the rewards stats, but sadly, they didn’t (still 0 cars/24 days played).
Like to know if anyone else received any credits Today.
Last week after I got my bunch of missing rewards credits, I thought the reward fixes might be taking effect so I went a bought another car for the hang of it (already had way past 100 cars in garage). I’m not sure if that also helped clear the pipes but noticed today my car count went from 6 to the required 100 and thus full points now! huzzah!
Just to confirm as per other thread, cars have updated so I’ve maxed out on that section, one part I have noticed that isn’t correct is the miles driven, mine is showing 937/1000 and I have definitely driven over 2000 miles as completed the main story (if you can call it a story). I know it’s only a few points but I’d still like to see that correct too.
Hmm everything from my FM4 got reset on xbox360 so i lost every progress but on Forza Hub still same i’m happy i dont need to play again
BUT Forza Horizon, normally i should COMPLETE nearly everything in Forza Hub BUT it is not updated for several months … it start make me feeling angry
And also i bought +1000 tokens on FM5, also not updated but all another is updated
Also i bought carpass on FM6 with 42cars (6months x 7cars) still Forza Hub say i did not bought anything …
If Forza Hub work perfect, i would get tier 9 these week -.-