Forza Motorsport 7 'Data Out' feature details

I’ve been able to use motion with my DoF Reality simulator and it is awesome…love this update!!!

Forza 7 now has three versions (Standard, Deluxe, Ultimate). Do these three versions support udp data output?

I can’t see why not, it’s just a feature of the game… So, yes 3 versions have it.

BTW, can’t wait to see more features in the next update, I need gears and other data on my tablet… :slight_smile:

Will this allow support for direct drive wheels without having to use adapters to emulate supported wheels.

This already works with Forza EmuWheel. No adapters needed. Visit support chat if you need help (link in my signature).

Hi Everyone,

Glad to announce that Sim Racing Studio Power wind simulator and shaking software and hardware is now fully supporting Forza telemetry.

Thanks Microsoft for UDP support

I have set three parameters as required:
1.Data Out -ON
2.Data Out IP Address -
3.Data Out IP Port -10001
But my own application doesn’t receive any data,I use my application for live for speed, can receive udp data normally.

Why is that?

I have the same problem, both with my own app and with Sim Racing Studio - it looks like there is just nothing there to capture. Has anyone been successful with capturing the data on port 10001, or with getting Sim Racing Studio to capture the data? If so, what did you do?

I’ve finaly got my shakers to work with SRS/FM7.
First don’t forget to install the “EnableLoopback” utillity like it says on the SRS website, download link is in the text of the FM7 info.
To have this app work on my Win 10 I’ve had to set the properties for the app to: Compatibility Win 8 and run as Administrator for all users. On the Security tab I’ve set Users to full control.

Last thing in FM7 data output type should be “dash”.

If you read the original post carefully, you will see that it says localhost data streaming is not supported. This however is not because Forza chose not to support it, but because UWP apps have certain limitation on Windows.

Anyone got gear indicator to work ?

I use Simdashboard, and unlike just about every other driving sim, the only data that can be derived from the data out function, is Revs, Speed and a couple of pieces of relatively useless information, like Class and PI.

Seems very sub standard… no real surprise I guess !

No Gear indicator, lap times, position, lap number and so on … nada. You really need this very basic data to enable you to turn off all the HUD stuff.

Developer of Simdashboard blames the extreme limitations of Forza 7 output system… and judging from the sophisticated Android displays I get for my other sims, he is undoubrefly correct in this assertion.

You’re being quite unfair. Turn10 haven’t released this claiming that this is specifically designed for dashboard apps. In fact they are explicit about this (quote from original post): “The initial data structure is designed specifically for motion sleds. We are working with several peripheral manufacturers and will be adding many more data points in the future.” This clearly states the purpose for which the data out was made and also promises to add more stuff in the future.


Can anyone please explain the difference between these 3 parameters? The explanation copied from the OP isn’t all that clear:

f32 TireSlipRatioFrontLeft; // Tire normalized slip ratio, = 0 means 100% grip and |ratio| > 1.0 means loss of grip.

f32 TireSlipAngleFrontLeft; // Tire normalized slip angle, = 0 means 100% grip and |angle| > 1.0 means loss of grip.

f32 TireCombinedSlipFrontLeft; // Tire normalized combined slip, = 0 means 100% grip and |slip| > 1.0 means loss of grip.

I would expect one to show weight distribution, one to show angle of road force on tire, and one to show fraction of max possible grip (given weight and compound) - but I’m not sure it that is what these are showing

TireSlipRatioFrontLeft << this is longitudal slip or just spin.
TireSlipAngleFrontLeft << this is lateral tire slip angle (not the same as wheel angle).
TireCombinedSlipFrontLeft; << this is combination of the two above. Although the way they normalize this, it is hard to make sense of this third value.

None of those three show weight distribution, not sure what you mean by “angle of road force on tire”, and none of those show fraction of max possible grip. Also, just to be completely clear. None of them show tire load.

TireSlipRatioFrontLeft can be used to calculate Fx, and TireSlipAngleFrontLeft could be used to calculate Fy at pure slip. TireCombinedSlipFrontLeft can be used to calculate the same at combined slip.

Any thoughts on best ‘grip metric’…? I’m thinking the standard deviations of the tire_slip_angle data might be adequate for a metric addressing cornering grip. I just looked at a few sets and I was getting standard deviations of 0.4 - 0.6. Another thought is that we might only care about loss of grip ie slip angle > 1, and in that case the metric might be the percent of datapoints over 1, with lower percents being good and high bad. Thoughts?

Good info. I looked at a dataset and the data for first parameter shows slip in negative sense only for a front wheel (braking) and both senses (-/+) for a rear wheel (brake and traction) on a RWD car, which is much as you would expect. The data for second parameter shows slip in both senses consistent with lateral slip. And you are right in about the third parameter too - its just the root sum of the squares of the other two, so all it really gives us is magnitude of slip (lateral and longitudinal).

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The release notes for the July update does not mention any changes to the data out format. This is disappointing, I was hoping that we would see a number of useful values (suggested in this thread) being added. Maybe we’ll see them in August?

Not to worry, we will get an update the day after I transition to playing Horizon 4 :slight_smile:

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Haha, I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens! :smiley:

I’ve made a few updates to the Python library on GitHub over the past few days. First to fix the missing acceleration parameters in the output when writing out data to a file. Thanks goes to Gryphon962 for reporting that bug! Secondly, to add CSV support for those who prefer to work with data in that format. I also switched the default behaviour so the script starts a new file and writes a row with the names of all columns at the beginning of the file. There’s a command line parameter available to have it append to an existing file.


One enhancement request I wanted to raise was outputting timestamps for every line. Not in game timestamps - just normal, real world timestamps. This way, it is easier to store in database and then query particular sessions. I was able to to sourcecode myself - but figured I would make request.

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