R A C E - P A I N T - G A L L E R Y
Welcome to the Forza Motorsport 5 Race Paint Gallery
- How will posting in this thread help you?
This thread will serve as a gallery of the Race paints created by the community. (See the sister thread in the Fantasy Paint section to find Fantasy paints.)
You will have a chance to be “featured”. Turn 10 staff members will look through this thread and “feature” eye catching paints in game. Featuring means that your paint will be pushed to every user that looks to buy the car model you painted. If a player is searching for a new paint on the car they already own, your paint will also come up at the front of the pack. As you know, the more players use your design, the more credits you can earn in Forza Motorsport 5.
Even after your featured time is over, you still get to be a “Turn 10 Select” paint. The only way you will lose “Turn 10” special status is if you take your design down off the storefront. That is your choice to do that if you wish.
- Rules for posting in this thread:
*Please read the rules. The rules are here to help you and your fellow forum members to find each other, and for us to find you. It is to your benefit to follow the instructions for posting.
The design must belong to you and be your creation. Posting someone else’s work is not allowed!
Enter each car in a separate post. You can enter as many times as you like (as long as they are different paints on different cars).
When posting here include your Gamertag, the car model, year, and manufacturer for the car you painted your design, and the name of your paint file as listed when you “shared” your design.
Entry Post Example:
Forza Player GT
2009 Honda S2000 CR
File Name
Optional: Description - If you added a description to your shared file, you may also want to add this. The more ways you give people to find you, the more likely they will.
You must “Share” your paint IN GAME. If your design isn’t shared, no one will be able to search for it.
Sharing photos of your work in this thread is encouraged, especially if you want a chance at getting your work featured. We will be scanning this thread for paints to be featured, so if we see a picture, that will help your chances.
Cars with inappropriate liveries will be disqualified. Cars showing damage in photos will be disqualified.
Altering your image with Photoshop or any image editor will also disqualify your entries.
- What does being “Featured” by us mean to you?
Forza Motorsport 5 uses curated content as the means by which paints are shown to prospective buyers on the storefront. Now, you can be “popular” and still be at the front of the pack of designs when a user is shown a car, but we are giving you a chance to not only be a “Turn10 Pick,” but also to be “featured” for a period of time. If you get featured, your design will be in the front section of all the designs. Even after your design is no longer “featured,” you will still get to be a “Turn10 Pick” for as long as you leave that design up. How long you leave your paint up is up to you. So, if you want to be famous, and you want everyone to see what a good job you have done with your design, participate in this thread and/or the weekly contest. Even if you don’t get featured, you still have a chance to show off your work to others and probably generate some popularity status for yourself. That will translate into more uses of your designs and, hopefully, a few credits will be generated by the uses and filter back to you.
- You may also wish to enter our weekly livery contest:
Enter our weekly contest - It is posted weekly under Community Events each week.
You can enter all of our contests and gallery threads, however, any one paint can only be featured once if you are either a winner in one of the contests or selected to be featured from one of the galleries.
Featured paints will happen randomly throughout the month and for random time periods. Featured paints will be listed in the second post of this thread. If you remove your paint for any reason, we will not be going back to re-feature it.
How do you use this gallery to find your friends or paints you like?
You can use the information in the posts if they follow the example above to look for specific paints in the game.
You can search in different ways using the information provided, which is why we are asking you to include this information in your posts.
- If you want to look up the posted paint by car, go to the main menu, select the “Career” tile, “Select Car”, then select “Buy Cars” and if the paint that you are looking for isn’t already showing up, do a search by pressing the “search” feature button (it looks like 2 squares to the left under the Xbox home button). Type in the gamer tag you are looking for under “Creator” where it says “enter text” and /or you can type in the file name of the paint in the “Description” where it says “enter text”. Press the search tab.
- If you already own the car. You can search for new paints for it. From the main menu, select the “paint car” tile. Then tab over to the “find new designs”. This feature will search for new designs for the car you are currently in. If you want to use this feature for a different car, you will need to go out to the career menu and select another car, under the “my cars” tab and repeat the process.
Remember that you can paint on any car in the game. You do not have to own the car. You can still share the design without owning the car. However, you won’t be able to take an in game photo of a car you don’t own. - If there are lots of paints that you like by a particular person, you can always add them to your favorites and their paints will also show up closer to the front of the pack for you. Add them by pressing “x” to bring up the “creator info” and the select “follow creator”.
- If a paint has been featured, it will be listed with provided details in the second post. If you remove your featured paint, we will not be going back to re-feature it or updating this thread. Look at the second post like it as a sort of “winner’s list”.
Helpful Tips:
- Editing a Shared Paint
We are all critics of our own work and sometimes we decide, “Oh, I need to fix that little thing on my paint. I want to share the best design I can.”
Now, how do I do that?
How to change an already “Shared” paint in FM5:
Before you make any changes to the paint, “UNSHARE” the paint.
Make your changes. Resave. Share the paint again.
Trouble Shooting:
I changed my paint without un-sharing it.
I don’t see my old design, just the new one that isn’t showing any downloads.
I now have 2 of the same paint up but only one is showing under my saved paints.
All of these things occur because the paint was not unshared before editing it and resaving it. The best way to avoid these issues it to UNSHARE the paint before you edit it and re-save it.
However, if you didn’t unshared before editing, try this:
- Do a search for yourself. You will have to be in the car that fits the paint. You can do the search either by looking for “new designs” for that car or going to buy the car and looking for yourself when you look for designs for that car.
If you don’t know how to do a search, detailed instructions for searching in the game are in this thread (see above).
Download your own design again. The one that you are “missing” in your paint saves.
Go to your saved designs and “Unshare” the design you just downloaded. NOTE: You will not be able to edit the design of yours that you just downloaded, however you should be able to “unshare” it.
Now that the design that you didn’t want up has been downloaded and unshared you can delete it.
You can now share the design that you edited and you will have the correct one in your storefront.
Next time, if you need to edit that paint again, UNSHARE it first, edit it, and the SHARE it again.
- If you are a winner in our FM5 Community Contest or a featured design and change your design after it has been featured, we won’t be going back to re-feature your design. Please try to get your changes in before you put up the final entry. Thanks!
Thank you and happy hunting!