Forza Motorsport 5 Game Features Wish List

These are an absolute priority!

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All of this, but you forgot telemetry in replays Worm.
My personal pet peeve, all user created content should have the option of being offered UNLOCKED!



My personal pet peeve, all user created content should have the option of being offered UNLOCKED!


  1. Clubs
    without this the “community” aspect is basically removed from the game with everyone playing by themselves.

2.Gifting tunes UNLOCKED
for people who cant tune this is a must, its fine getting the tunes from from shred tunes but everyone drive differently so break pressure and other things need to be changed to suit a certain person. agai with this (previously avaliable feature) the game has become limited to only those people who know who or understand how tune tune cars. leaving everyone else stuck with sub optimal tunes because they cant adjust them in any way.

3.getting credits for paints EACH time you sell one not just after the extreme amount needed PER DAY to actually get something.

4.removing glitches faster eg. the bclass rivals money glicth on silverstone national.

  1. instant lifetime bans for people who mannage to post negative times on the leaderboards like on the said silverstone track. i thought that the deletion of unlocked car sharing was the reason to stop this but there it is still.

I have actually gone back to Forza 4 due to so much missing from this “next gen” installment of forza because it is far superior in every way apart from the graphics. A sad day I can only hope and pray this is rectified or that Forza 6 is the game people actually wanted to begin with.

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More Tracks (especially the Japanese ones) and everything else Below

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Auction house/storefront return

Custom public lobbies

Clubs with garages returned.

Gifting of tunes/paints for collabs

Better loads times which will also reduce those pre/post race screens that hide the loading times

Local leaderboards

Ability to search paints for ANY vehicle not just the one you’re in

Tuning while in test drive mode like it used to be

Sell cars back to game

Fix the aspiration glitch that’s been around forever

Bring back online replays

Bring back unicorns. Just 3 like we used to have, but something to work for if you’re community focused and enjoy the forums

Use any cars in split screen mode so as not to penalise a guest player

Add some proper music

Nurburgring back please

Fujimi kaido back please

Proper names for upgrades, not this mass appeal arcade racer mindset of street/pro/race upgrades. This is supposed to be a sim, not Need for Speed.

More space for replays, i mean come one, i can only save 10 replays? How big are those files?

More space for paints and tunes, people are hitting the limits already, and when we have to keep making multiple paints to try and get ANY profit, limits don’t help

Give people actual credits for their work. You should get credits EVERY time someone downloads your paint/tune, not after certain limits which are hard to reach because you can only search paints/tunes for the specific vehicle you are in. I used to search for paints, and buy the vehicle it was painted for, now we can’t do that.

Coloured smoke tyres for drifting

Ability to turn lights on/off manually, especially in photo mode.

Once vinyls are grouped, ability to treat them as one vinyl to change skew/opacity etc.



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I would like to have Clubs, Storefront and the ability to gift cars back. To be honest I’m not missing the Auction House.



just three things to add:
not only distance meter, but time distance at the end of a sector/lap

the ability to watch races instead of waitning in a lobby (also good for livestreams of big events or Online Race Series)
bring back the telemetrie HUD for replays

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Auction House


Bring back all the garage filters we had in FM4 (Body Family, Model, Make, Aspiration, Cylinders, etc.)

Ability to sell cars back to the game

An icon in the buy cars menu to show what cars are already owned

Distance meter as it was in FM4

Save replays of online races

Spectate online races

World leaderboards as they were in FM4

Gifting cars, tunes and paints

Ability to use the A button to skip through the post race cut scenes

Show the best lap time during the race


-More Tracks!
-Pubblic Lobbis filtered by language ( like in fm2 )
-Save replays on multiplayer
-Possibilities tu " tune " the car in lobbies


rules, flags and an end to unnecessary blocking


T10 let’s take it from just a driving game to a driving/racing game.

*Racing Rules
*Racing Flags
*No more sticky off track sections(Indianapolis - I swear if the knobbies on your tire hovers over the grass you get stopped). Do not include this feature without the above two features.

Loopty loops - could even imagine…(JK on this one).

But seriously. It’s 2014. We’ve put 2 robots on mars. Can we get some racing rules and flags.

Don’t let a competitor come in someday and steal your spotlight. I want to give you all my money! I hate you! I love you!..Don’t ever leave me.

Career mode expansion. I cleared the whole career mode in about a 10th of the time it took in FM3 and FM4.

And everything above! Start on Worms list first please, they are the most important!

  • Custom Public Lobby’s - Failing that a ‘Hardcore mode’ with No assists, forced cockpit view, full damage, increase fuel usage and increase tyre wear longer races for each car class.
  • Replays for online races, so we can send the links to the ‘Crash Team’ again…
  • A way to mute the entire lobby, i was in a hopper last night full of crashers and i swear i was playing COD with a bunch of 7 year olds from the way they were talking. i ended up muting them all, but it would be much quicker if you could mute them all in one go.

If you snap party chat and select turn on party chat, you won’t have to listen to anyone in the lobby. This is what I do when I can’t take anymore of the excessive egos and vulgarity and it’s much quicker than trying to mute each individual.


Thanks, that will be much quicker going forward.


Ah ha ha! Over sensitive word filter much?

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