Forza hub rewards not working

It does not work again !

This weekend I did not get my rewards!

Someone has the same problem ?

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yep there was some issues with the Forza servers

might come through in the next few days if you are lucky

It doesn’t work even if you get the rewards from this link?
BTW this is the only way I always get them. No Forza Hub.

There was an issue with servers over the weekend
Didnt matter where you activated them
They just dont appear in the ingame messages
It happens every now and then and people go crazy for their missing 25-200k …

Need them so badly in forza 6 too…because credits dont just rain from the sky (sic)

This week still not working ! If next week not work i cancel my order for Forza motorsport7 !

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Really? Drama much?

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Are you a child
This game throws credits at you faster than they can be spent

Same for me, last week it works but this weekend i didn’t receive the rewards in FM6 & FH3

August 7: “We are aware of a current issue with the redemption of Forza Rewards as well as log in issues with our website. Thanks for your patience.”

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Bumping this thread.

I have a “problem” with the rewards in Forza 6 only. I’m just getting all of the old Forza games and play them here and there to get more forza points. So when i installed FM4 on my Xbox 360 i was getting all the rewards back for one year since i got FH3. Same in Forza Horizon 2. I gut approx 52 weeks of credits.

Now i got Forza 6 ultimate and i got i guess 3-4 rewards for octobre only and thats it.

anyone has a hint for it ?

For some reason there’s a time limit of redeeming them in game and only affects FM6
They seem to last at most maybe a month if that
They have expired and they are permanently gone
Not sure why they changed it but it has been that way since FM6 launched 2 years ago
Not sure if also affects FH3 and FM7 as well though

Ah ok, thanks for the info. I guessed that something isn’t working. But hey, bad luck for me. :smiley: