Forza Horizon 2 (XBOX ONE) Livery Contests - Wk15

Welcome to the Forza Horizon 2 XBOX ONE Livery Contest!

This contest is for the XBOX ONE version of Forza Horizon 2.

*Please read the rules.
Forza Horizon 2 (XBOX ONE) uses curated content as the means by which paints are shown to players when they choose to apply a new paint to their car while at the Garage, or they purchase a new car from the Autoshow. The best way to get recognized in the community is to participate in our weekly contests. Winners of the livery contests will be a Featured Item for a week which means that the paint will be presented to everyone who buys a new car or wants a new paint for a particular car. Winning paints will be the first in line on the paint selection page (unless, you already own the paint or you unshared your item. You will not see your own paint displayed to yourself.) If you want exposure for your hard work, this is the best way to get it.

Please make sure your post follows the Rules of the Contest.

o There are no placements for Winners. All paints selected will be considered winners and be given the weekly prize as well as be featured. If you get featured, you are a considered a winner. The number of winners will depend on what gets entered, how many cars we want to feature, how many entries there are, and the quality of work. We are not going to specify a specific number of cars we are going to choose.
o All winners will be gifted the weekly prize that is predetermined by us.

Weekly Prize
500,000 credits

Cars Eligible to use to display your paints this week:
Any in game car is eligible this week.

Rules of the Contest
o The design must belong to you and be your creation. Posting someone else’s work is not allowed!

o Entrants can enter both Race and Fantasy but the submissions must be in different posts and you must put the proper description in game. (One entry per category per person per week, please.)

o If you have won in one week, you may enter again the next week, but please keep it to one entry per category per week. This rule may change in the future, but for now, you may enter each week, even if you were a winner the previous week.

o We suggest that if your design has won in a previous contest, you do not re-enter the same design again unless new elements have been added to actually change the design or give it a new look.

o When posting here include your Gamer Tag, the car you painted your design on, the filename of your paint, and whether you want your paint judged as a fantasy or race paint.

o Entry Post Example:
Forza Player GT
2009 Ford Focus RS
Forza Paint 123
Fantasy Paint

o You are not required to own the car you are painting on, however you must also follow the rules carefully so we can find your entry. You do not have to post your entry in this thread, however, it will make it easier for us to find you and make sure you are entered into the contest.

o You must “Share” your paint IN GAME. You must put “FantasyWk15” or “RaceWk15” in the description of your livery when you share your design. (All one word for the description). If you do not add the description to your entry, it is likely we will not see it when we search for it. When you press “share” on your design, the description goes in the section marked “description”. You will need to type it in.

o If you would like to share your paint photos in this thread, you may post up to 3 photos of your paint. If you do not own the car, you will not be able to take photos of it, which is why photos are not a requirement for entry into the contest. It will, however, give us a better idea of what we are looking for, and thus it may give you an edge in being a winner, but it is not a requirement for entering the contest. Just remember, that the easier you make it for us to find you, the better your chances are for being a winner.

o This thread will be closed the morning of Thursday, February 5, 2015 and judging will begin. Please have your entries in by this time.

Gamertag: dsielke
Car: 2011 RUF Rt 12 S
File: 2011BeachLizard
Style: Race

Flying Lizard Porsche, livery a raced at Long Beach in 2011.


Gamertag: PolizeiYT
Car: 1993 Jaguar XJ220
File: Max GB3K
Style: Race

Maximillion (Mr Gumball) Cooper’s own car driven in the 2008 Rally.

Max1 by ForzaDesignsbyPolizeiYT, on Flickr

Max3 by ForzaDesignsbyPolizeiYT, on Flickr

Max4 by ForzaDesignsbyPolizeiYT, on Flickr

1 Like

This may change depending on how long my next design takes.

GT: SCS Skreamies
Car: Nissan Silvia Spec-R
Name: Driftworks
Type: Race Replica


Race entry
Lancia delta
Fina replica region de corse
image by djalkoholik, on Flickr
image by djalkoholik, on Flickr
image by djalkoholik, on Flickr

GT: bigdude974
Car: 2008 Lancer Evo X GSR
Name: Antoine L’Estage
Type: Race replica

It’s the replica of Antoine L’Estage Lancer Evo X during the 2014 Sno* Drift Rally


GT - CRUSE2382
Car - 037

GT: DB93
Make: 1973 Renault Alpine A110 1600S
Filename: mobil1a
Style: Race paint

GT: RenardArgent
Car: McLaren 12C 2011
Filename: MP4-30
Style: Race Paint

Based on the McLaren-Honda MP4-30 F1 livery for 2015

MP4-30 Design 1

MP4-30 Design 2

MP4-30 Design 3

Based Zoroark
2013 Robby Gordon #7 Speed Energy Drink Stadium Super Truck
Mega Lucario SST

Thank you for all the entries this week, especially since it was a short week. Great job, everyone! I am locking this contest now. A new contest will be up soon.