Ford Mustang 1960s - Ringbrothers custom builds

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Ringbrothers Ford Mustangs (1960s)

This topic covers all 1960-1970 Ford Mustang builds from Ringbrothers:

  • 1964.5 Ford Mustang Convertible “Caged”
  • 1965 Ford Mustang Convertible “Uncaged”
  • 1965 Ford Mustang Convertible “Ballistic”
  • 1965 Ford Mustang Convertible “Lucy”
  • 1965 Ford Mustang “Blizzard”
  • 1965 Ford Mustang “Espionage”
  • 1965 Ford Mustang “Producer”
  • 1965 Ford Mustang “Silver Streak”
  • 1965 Ford Mustang “Splitr”
  • 1966 Ford Mustang “Bailout”
  • 1967 Ford Mustang “Copperback”
  • 1967 Ford Mustang “Reactor”
  • 1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1 “Patriarc”
  • 1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1 “Unkl”
  • 1970 Ford Mustang “Dragon”


Note - voting on polls does not substitute for voting on the topic. Make sure to VOTE above the first post to have your interest in this model counted.

Which model do you prefer?

  • 1964.5 - Caged
  • 1965 - Uncaged
  • 1965 - Ballistic
  • 1965 - Lucy
  • 1965 - Blizzard
  • 1965 - Espionage
  • 1965 - Producer
  • 1965 - Silver Streak
  • 1965 - Splitr
  • 1966 - Bailout
  • 1967 - Copperback
  • 1967 - Reactor
  • 1969 - Patriarc
  • 1969 - Unkl
  • 1970 - Dragon
  • Other (Specify below)
0 voters

Ringbrothers Ford Mustang

I am assuming the polls have an other option because there is no more space for the other 3 models

Added, they weren’t showing up for me so I missed them.

I haven’t added the 1970 Mustang though

Is there no space for the 1970 Dragon Mustang?

Is it the only 1970 Mustang they’ve built?

Yes so far these are all Gen 1 builds I checked myself

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Thank you, added it then

I was going to make a separate 1970s topic if there were more but since it’s only 1 it can stay here.

I mean the 1970 Mustang is still a first gen Mustang

Indeed but for admin purposes it’s easier to track these custom topics by decade

Perhaps you could rename the topic to Ford Mustang Gen 1 Ringbrothers Custom Builds

That’s strange since the regular first gen Mustang is by generation so I’m not used to that

It’s mainly just because there’s so many of these built at different times.

Like the production models only have a set number of variants whereas here you have 14 unique cars which were from 1964-1969.

The production topic on the other hand basically only had the 4 main variants (standard, GT, Mach 1 and Boss).

So it’s easier to keep track of these ones when they’re grouped together by decades instead of generations.


I’m kinda surprised how every Coupé Custom Build of them is a Fastback I think the Hardtop would look good as a Custom Build

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