FM Update 3.0 | 12 Dec 2023


Is it dropping today since it’s Tuesday?

No. Ususaly they’re out on Thursdays. Wednesday to Thursday midnight GMT should be out.

Yes today. In about 4 hrs 45 minutes.



There’s lot of confusion on when exactly is Update dropping.

May I kindly ask for the time and date of when is Update 3.0 going live?


it seems update is the tuesday (same for FH) and the new content available thursday :wink:

(the last two updates for FM was released on Tuesday)

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Yes, should be out around 1 pm EST


usually update is tuesday (but I dont remember the exact hour)

2 hrs 10 minutes from this reply

There should be no confusion. The main patch site clearly states 14th Dec. That’s this Thursday

Alrighty, thanks fellas. Should be interesting.

Wrong. Last patch released on a tues so this one will as well. The new ‘playlist’ starts thurs.

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There is confusiuon.
The patch will drop today, 2012-12-12.
The new series will start on thursday, 2012-12-14.

Release date is mentioned at the very bottom of the page:

Whether you’re racing at Hockenheim, playing the Contemporary Tour with the new Spotlight cars, or continuing to build your favorites in the Open Tour, we’re excited for you to discover everything Update 3 brings to Forza Motorsport starting on December 12.


If all tracks are done and ready to go it would be wise to release them all now in my opinion. That might tamp down the bad state the game is in at the moment. Players are willing to wait i think for fixes, but to keep those players happy i think there needs to be a two way street and at present that is not there.


I really hope they fix performance issues and those nasty FPS drops …

+1 , I really hope too !
honestly I wait more the update than the new track actually !

It’s either 6pm or 7pm in the U.K.

They’re playing the community as fools, they had no problem getting a one item hotfix out, a day before a monthly update.

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Going by last update it’s 6pm in UK

No patch today?