FM Featured Events & Cars Overview | Sep. 25 - Oct. 2, 2024

I totally understand your frustration – it can feel pretty disheartening when you’re doing your best and still struggle to get into the top 50%. I just wanted to point out something that might help highlight a bigger issue with how this event is structured.

The way this system works, it naturally creates a “race to the bottom.” As more people feel the same way you do and stop participating, the pool of participants will shrink. But because the reward is still only given to the top 50%, the competition for the reward becomes even more difficult. The smaller the group, the harder it becomes to climb into that upper half, and that leaves even fewer people being rewarded. Eventually, this could discourage even more people from trying, which could hurt the game’s community overall.

If a system like this continues, it might end up making fewer players feel motivated to compete, since half of the participants are guaranteed not to get the reward. Ideally, events like these should feel more inclusive and give players of all skill levels a chance to feel rewarded and encouraged.

Maybe the devs at Turn10 can reconsider how rewards are distributed, so they don’t inadvertently discourage players from participating. A tiered reward system, where more players can receive something based on effort or improvement, might keep things competitive but also rewarding for more people.