Hey T10,
I recently sent an email to your forzafb, but I thought I might as well post to make sure this problem gets adressed.
I noticed last night that no matter what I do, my game freezes/crashes on Circuit de Catalunya on the GP and national ribbons. I tried multiple different cars and race setups (rivals and free play). I also tried removing the track limits ribbons and still locked up. This lock up happens about 200 yards from the start/finish line (almost even with the big position tree on the right side of the track)
I sure hope this can be fixed soon, because this track is now totally off limits to me in single player (besides school circuit). I’m actually worried it’ll lock me up in multiplayer as well if Catalunya shows up. It’s a shame since I really appreciate all the hard work you guys have put into this game and Catalunya is a fun track.
I’m playing on my new Xbox one x (finally made the upgrade!) and this is the first time I’ve experienced this problem. Hopefully this can be fixed. Keep up the good work, and thank you for class rivals.
Have you tried anything to remedy it yet
Like fully powercycling your console including pulling out the power plug from the wall
I also have an X and have not had 1 single issue since release
No not yet just tried to see if it was a car/hud/ options bug, but I’ll definitely give powercycling a try.
It’s starting to become a running joke with how many times my game has crashed (at least 12 times) since transferring everything to this Xbox one X. Sucks because the game is near perfect (been waiting on class rivals) besides from these annoying crashes.
Worse comes to worse I’ll have to try reinstalling the game which will take at least a day for me. But before that I’ll try your tip, appreciate the help.
Well tried the hard reboot for my Xbox one x, nothing seems to work for the crashes. Guess my only option is to reinstall this game which is going to take a good 2-3 days with all the updates and my terrible internet.
These crashes happen absolutely every single time on Catalunya and Top Gear Test track. It happens online and offline, in career and in free play.
After reinstalling the game, these problems went away. Thank you Turn 10 for the quick reply, oh and for putting the MG up in this months Forzathon!