On any cars that have different factory paint/decal combos the paint will change but the decal colors will only stay the same color as the first option. This is really frustrating on muscle cars like the old Firebird where the decal’s color is such a huge part of the look. It shows proper colors in the thumbnails but will always have the first option’s decal colors no matter which combo you choose. Is this a common problem? Is there a fix? I’m playing on PC.
Hadn’t noticed, I’ll give it a try on Xbox. Orange GTO Judge is the best color scheme so never thought to deviate from it.
So did you take a look at some of the cars’ color/vinyl combos? Judging by the lack of responses from people or mods I’m going to assume I may be the only person with this issue. My next question is how is that possible and what would cause this glitch on only one person’s PC?
I’m sorry, I completely forgot about it. I’ll try to remember tomorrow.
This is an known and very annoying bug persistent since the february update. It has already been reported multiple times. No no official comment thus far. SHAME ON YOU T10!!!
Keep reporting this, maybe they fix it someday!
Just checked on Xbox one x, trans am and gto, decals remain the same no matter the color chosen.
Thanks for checking. I didn’t see the other posts on the issue. Hopefully they’ll fix it in a future patch. Guess I’ll just do solid color paint jobs until then.
Really beginning to get the feeling T10 doesn’t really care about fixing anything broken about the game anymore, sadly. Verified that this is, indeed, a major problem. I will try reporting this via email to their feedback address (forzafb@microsoft.com), and suggest everybody else seeing this problem do the same thing, but don’t hold your breath on a fix. After 3 months of receiving the wrong tier rewards, their only response has been, “Yes we know about it. No there is no ETA to fix it.”
Reached out to T10, and their exact response was:
We are aware of this and currently investigating it.
I’ve asked them to mark this thread as investigating and to add it to the known issues thread, but don’t hold your breath.
Thanks for sharing! Maybe a spark of hope.
This has been passed along to the proper team to be investigated.
Until this is fixed, you could always download and use my Firebird screaming chicken and text vinyl groups that come in a variety of colours.
This has been an issue since the February update, I believe.
I’ve posted multiple screenshots on Twitter to all the Forza accounts showing how this isn’t working, and how it works perfectly fine in Horizon 3.
This is was really common issue in Forza Motorsport 3-4. But it was solved when FM7 came out. Somehow it made it’s way back into the game (wrong branch merged back into the main codebase, maybe??).
It’s seriously annoying with reward cars, where you have no way of fixing the car correctly.
Every time i go to apply a decal it returns my car to factory colours, then if i change the car colour it removes my decals, it never used to be like this. for example i painted a 350z white, tried to add a decal and all of a sudden the car is now metallic orange, rim colour and tints also returned to stock. so i left it orange, re applied the decals and tried to make the car white afterwards and it just removes all the decals. Very annoying as cars i have done in the past i can change the car colour and decals stay.
2010 Ferrari 599 GTO - Manufacturer colors with the stripes (the ones on the right near the end) are supposed to show a stripe on the hood but they don’t.
I’ve read plenty of cars with stripe options also have this issue.
This has been fixed as of today’s update!
I first tested the Carrera RS mentioned in the release note. Worked great…so I decided to test other cars. They worked perfectly!
It’s finally fixed!
I’ll try the Pontiac ta and gto
Both of these cars correctly changed their stripes after saving a paint choice and then trying a different factory swatch.
I’ve yet to find a car that doesn’t work correctly so far, woot!
Yep, and finally!