FH5 Rally Adventure expansion now available

Other than the annoying start I had it’s so far so good, routes have been enjoyable although I wish there was a few more tighter roads.

Just the subtitles made me glad my voice volume is at 0 though, but that horrible dialogue is so baked in now I don’t think FH would actually feel quite the same without it :joy:


The complaint (per my post) is that the helicopter noise is awful and s distracting and there no way to simply disable it. As plenty of others have already said in these forums and elsewhere, it’s frankly ridiculous to have a rally co-driver not say besides the driver.
I have a similar home theater setup albeit the sun is not behind me but in front. Each to their own, of course, but to be immersed into a rally game I meither need nor want a helicopter in my sights or my ears. :slight_smile:


I’m actually a pilot & love all things aviation, so I’m probably a little biased :grin:

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I didn’t care for the pace notes either. Never been a fan of the simplistic version of pacenotes (though I know they are there for casual players or players who have never played dedicated rally games), but what’s ironic is that Playground needlessly complicated simplistic pacenotes by the co-drivers making inappropriate comments at wrong times and giving too many details that weren’t really necessary. Also, I get the Sega Rally games popularized the “maybe” bit, but no real co-driver in the world would say “jump maybe.” There’s either a jump, or there isn’t. Pick one. Otherwise, you’re just confusing the driver for no reason.


Yep, I agree it becomes even worse trying to run one of Rami’s races on a complex course…at night…with fog & low vis…that wasn’t too enjoyable. Has anyone determined if the on screen course indicators can be disabled?

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You can turn off the on screen visuals (which are a pure distraction and probably something only the art department at PG wanted because it creates work for one of the designers) by going to Settings then


Thanks :+1:t2:

Pace notes for me, in any rally game are utterly useless. Being dyslexic, that is, the directions are mostly meaningless. Even my wife knows to just point when she wants me to turn when we’re going somewhere.

That being said, I’ve yet to hear anything tempting me to swing open the wallet for a possibility of winning an electronic pickup I’ll probably never ever use.

Speaking of electronic cars, I might be interested in making a play for that new Rimac. But that’s about all FH5 has to interest me these days.

Firstly, I am enjoying this new area but no one can tell me this TINY map couldnt have been a part of the main map. It would have made the base game map less boring.



Ask @KnightOfRen8514, and you’ll get your answer.

how is this different in any way from the main map, what a lazy second expansion effort


Who cares not like it will work either. same issues as hot wheels

Been playing for a bit, “found” all 32 roads. Haven’t finished the first set of goals, already kinda bored. I think I have to accept that I wasted my money on the premium pack. Never again though.


A bug I’ve seen a few times already, your upgraded car keeps displaying it’s PI as if it was stock.


I haven’t had any problems with single player offline games using quick resume, but I don’t use it for games that are connecting to servers. Not sure how they’d fix that since they can’t just reserve a server for you the whole time it’s in quick resume.

As far as disabling it goes, easy enough to just quit the game. Only takes a few button presses.

The issues are with online games.

Can we please, PLEASE get one final small DLC next year revolving entirely around the player character setting up SAW like deathtraps for the other talking characters in the game so they never return? I’d pay double for that!


Hey ! Congrats :smiley: You’ve unlocked the AI “Stock” PI Cheat Mode !


It’s very tedious and anoying. When I start a game I don’t want to bother with this nonsense.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Damaged tuning files after update cause game crash