FH5 Rally Adventure expansion now available

Really sorry to hear that, good luck with it. I turned on the XSX when I got home & it was ready to go by the time I got back to it 20 minutes later.

So far, really liking this & lovin’ the Ford Focus


Looks like we can’t get duplicate of the new expansion cars. In hot wheels after unlocking through play they made it available in Autoshow.

Here I can’t find the focus in the Autoshow even though it got unlocked. Will check the other cars once I obtained them.

Hopefully I’m wrong!

Maybe check the AH?

On the PC mine goes 5.4 (was 1.9 before I replaced my router). The xbox goes 200-300 so happy there.

I don’t really need any duplicate at the moment, but was curious if they followed what they did with Hot wheels. It was a good approach :smiling_face:

That’s been posted as a bug.

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It appears there is no way to disable the eye in the sky but I turned the following AUDIO settings to 0:
and, blissfully, I can no longer hear the incessant whomp-whomp-whomp-whomp of the rotors at 100rpm getting on my nerves!
:helicopter: :mute:
Biggest gimmick in any single Forza Horizon game by a nautical aeon. And it REALLLLY detracts from an otherwise brilliant expansion. Whoever at @WeArePlayground came up with the chopper idea needs a P45. Rapido.
@ForzaHorizon #FH5Rally #TurnOffTheChopper


Oh here we go already.

Just got home, downloaded the expansion, opened up FH5, went to the rally expansion spot and … it says I don’t own it. PGG not even able to get a major expansion to work right out of the gate, shocking.

I’m not sure what the complaint is. I’ve got this piped through home theater with the sub right behind my chair & the Dolby Atmos is incredible; have barely even noticed the rotor wash. I mean it’s definitely there but what I would expect if it were actual conditions. I enjoy the immersion of it personally.

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XSX? Quick resume is the :imp:

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XSX, but I always close FH5 since they (Microsoft and/or PGG) somehow can’t make quick resume work properly on an in-house studio game.

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Quick resume was a feature added after many games were developed. It acts up on many games I play and not just this. MS need to give us the option to disable this entirely for select games. There’s rumors this feature is coming but that’s just rumors… I genuinely hate quick resume. Especially now that the XSX has an SSD.


Okay, finally got it to work. My first impression is… That it’s what I feared with the map. It literally looks exactly like the normal Mexico map. Also why is the F150 Lightning speed limited to 110 MPH? I get why they would in real life, but in an arcade racing game?


This was obvious the second they announced the expansion. Let’s just hope the tracks are great because that’s largely what this new expansion is… New dirt tracks…


Turning all my games in quick resume off didn’t help much. The download was still pretty slow. Likely a server issue if anything.

It’s been 3 hours and still not done…

I’ve already managed to clock in two hours so far. First impressions, it’s pretty good so far. Map is a lot better than first anticipated. New radio station is quite good, though its way too short. However, the AI, as usual, are still very inconsistent. I’ve had races where I barely scraped by with second place and races where I was ten seconds ahead of second place (and this was all on the same difficulty level). Also, haven’t really used most of the DLC cars yet except for the Focus and when otherwise forced to use a buggy or truck.


Impressions after a hour’s worth of play: it started off feeling a bit like the first hill of a roller coaster, enjoyed several races, with the turn calling starting to get a little annoying, then after awhile it started to feel like I was just back on the main map running dirt events.


Possibly but it’s well known that games in quick resume significantly impact download speeds on XSX. I can go from 50-100mbps to 200-240mbps by simply removing all games from quick resume.

Figured… That’s a shame though :frowning:

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