FH5 Rally Adventure expansion now available

If I were to be critical I would label this expansion as the low/no effort expansion.

All they have done is build a new map using the existing map editor. Added a dozen or so cars. Included a few cool car mods, along with a new driver assist and then labeled it a RALLY expansion.

I suspect if you turn off driving assists that the new expansion will feel no different to dirt racing on the main map. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but to everyones point, it’s nothing we haven’t seen or done before.

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And I’m OK re-using mainland theme/props.

My biggest negative about 2nd expansion is that it is standalone map again and will be not connected to festival playlist (imagine double Trial :slight_smile: ). So basically after completeing “missions” + occasional rivals events, I will probably not visit it much.
I understand the fact that it is paid expansion and probably would be not cool that people, who have not purchased it, can see it in the distance (across a bridge or something), but IMO keeping expansions as separate maps is killing its replayability.

My next 2 concerns are:
1.races - I’m expecting that it will be probably more focused on sprint races and probably only in one direction. So if map is not big, it will probably get repeatable pretty quickly. And on sidenote: big jumps/smashable objects - should not be a thing.
2.map empitness - When I was watching livestream it looked like it suffers from the same thing as main map. I’m not talking about lack of city, lack of “monuments”/“characteristic places”, flat terrain, etc. IMO main map is lacking ROADS - e.g. 3rd volcano road with mixed surface.
I guess it is probably not easy to create map with interesting layout, being (semi)realistic and not looking ridiculous (with roads everywhere). Not to mention using different car classes - long straight road in C class is just short connector between corners in S2.

And despite my negative thoughts I’m looking forward to trying the 2nd expansion and hopefully will be wrong :wink:


I’m actually looking forward to this DLC, Incredibly pleased it’s not another product placement DLC.

I understand most of the criticism it’s getting, but gosh darn… How long I’ve been awaiting for some grounded, down to earth content in Horizon! You might even say I’m what the kids call ‘low-key hyped’.

My optimism doesn’t come free, though. I still have issues with it… Like Why they couldn’t connect this to the original map… It would have been a game changer! Also, for a ‘Rally Adventure’ DLC to only contain One rally car is pretty limp. I understand where people are coming from about ‘it looks exactly the same as the vanilla map’ but, I kind of feel like it was their intention to connect it to the main map, but it just couldn’t be done… (may be why it took them so long to announce it - or maybe I’m being too naive, and they just dragged it out to prolong the games lifespan… probably the latter, tbh).

But I’m just glad that I’m going to be taking part in some new events with some down to earth game play, and some realistic environments… not a giant floating UFO in the sky with some orange plastic on it… or some island with plastic bricks all over it.


I disagree. Its mexico Rally. This wasteland aesthetic looking right at home from something like MX vs ATV games is what Im here for. But dont worry if you dont like it. once you beat it, youll never warp back to that map again.


Then build some Mad Max rat rods and fang it!

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Yup, you got it.

Hm, I just played Horizon Wilds and was hoping that anti-lag would be available but it’s not. We’ll have to wait until March 29th for that


Yep, same disappointment here but it quickly dissipated after hooning around the Sport Quattro.


It’s an awesome dirt/CC car, but it also feels pretty good for road circuits too. :+1: So much aero. :smile:


I noticed the new dlc2 icon on the game map in the top left ,but you cannot drive to it as it is beyond the boundary. I wonder if the devs are going to extend the base map for people who buy the new dlc, to include the new area ?

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Oh ok, thank you for that.

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Are there going to be rally parts for all cars? :grimacing:

My offroad Rimac needs a spare tyre on the roof!


Funny thing is I actually can envision that car with bash bars and light banks.


Here is the map:

Much greener than I expected :smile:


Me too! Definitely!
The offroad tyres and black and white camo paint (not a camo fan, but it’s. an offroad Rimac… it needs it) do part of the trick, but it definitely needs more.

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Too much tarmac!!:upside_down_face:

Kind of weird that they made a big deal about not showing the map during the livestream if they were just going to release it in a Twitter post.


Hold up, a bike track.


It looks pretty small but ot might just be perspective


Lots of very samey reversed and inverted looking sections. Praying the elevation changes provide these roads with some character/it’s just me.