FH5 DLC: Horizon Racing Car Pack | June 2023

Or is the point of even mentioning it more of a complaint that they’re not making it available to everyone for free?

maybe :person_shrugging:

You’re the definition of a choosing beggar

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They were listed as ‘2 Expansions’ initially, so they were always listed as included in the Premium Edition. This wasn’t some indication that a bunch of new content was included, it was simply delivering on what was promised.

How in the world do you figure having Premium is disadvantageous?


It’s clearly stated what is included in the Premium version. On top of that Hector just went into Harry’s we received a bunch of new content and cars with Series updates for free. So this one paid car pack isn’t a big deal


I wonder how many people that are agitated by the car pack have hundreds if not thousands of hours in game.
“What?! This game that has given me 700 hours of enjoyment wants 6 dollars (canadian devalued trudeabucks, or CDT on the toronto exchange) , well that is just unreasonable! This is where i draw the line.”
Like a) everything stated in the premium edition has been released
2) its an extra 6 bux for a game most of us have 100s of hours in, i think weve got our money’s worth out of it
III) call off the lawyers, youre asking to receive things that werent in the original contract (premium edition description) as if they were in there

Alternatively: perhaps this is all part of the Mandela effect and this pack was in fact part of the original premium bundle and somehow we managed to cross lines within the multiverse thereby creating a timeline in which the pack is no longer part of the bundle but our memories are still able to access the timeline in which it was… But i feel like that would be hard to prove in court