FH4 Car wish list and MULTIPLAYER and other problems

I had a huge question…where is my DODGE NEON SRT-4? or the 300ZX? or even the AUDI S2??
I have been playing forza for the past 2 years and was always wondering about some of the cars in FORZA Horizon.
compared too real life most of the cars feel SLOW and sluggish. speaking of which the NISSAN SKYLINE R-34 doesnt feel or sound like it has 672 HP its feels more like a measly 250 HP. acceleration is SLOW AF and tuning is abysmal. In real life you could make a 1000HP Skyline DEMON! making quarter miles under 8 seconds! so why does it take more than 10 too do a quarter in forza? anoother thing is that the car in real life can get over 200MPH not 180MPH! I want too see a skyline beat the absolute snot out of a Lamborghini Hurican’ / aventador / ETC with a V-12

also Understeer under speed IS ABYSMAL in this game! when you go anywhere above 90 MPH the steering just “Gives up” almost like there is none…when you have handling level 10 im sure you can take a 60 Degree corner at 70 MPH, speaking of whice tire grip just gives up too.

I understand its hard too program and too facilitate the properties too the game, it almost feels like the game is biased twords certain cars making JDM cars feel SLOW less you put a V-8 or a V-10 or a V-12 in them. You could make a 800HP Subaru WRX in real life, Im pretty sure you could do that in a game.

I appreciate the V-12 being nerfed but it still sounds like a crying child with a kazoo shoved down their throat. Also WHY IS THE R-34 RB-26 SOUND PASTED 6 TIMES!? speaking of which It could sound better…sounds more like REEEEEEE instead of a powerful beast.

most of the car sounds need a RE-WORK! I would say about 40 - 60 % of the cars need a sound rework…I mean…listen too the K20 INTEGRA or the HONDA civic sounds with the 1.5 L and 2.0 L


maybe add launch control and anti-lag popping and explosions! would sound flipping amazing too hear a Skyline go (Vrrr-rrr-rr-rrr POP POP POP! RAAAAAAAH!) and screech down the steip


.Add BOOST control such as in tuning and add Other brands of Turbos and Super chargers and maybe add a PRO CHARGED option or even TWIN CHARGED also add more BLOW OFF valve sounds please

.Add different brands of tires, also maybe add more RYM styles…been seeing the same ryms for 3 games now

Add more variety too the car list…yes I know there is 450+ cars but the car manufacturers in the game feel stripped down too a small selection


Good question…why is it when we join a Horizon life session it says there is 40 Players but you can only see like 12 of them or even less??? very confusing. we also need a longer drag strip and a more dedicated area too drag. we cant Drag race on sand with SLICKS…doesn’t work.

game is out of sink for most people

client rubber banding issues

That is all! thanks for reading!