So i am wondering because i have not found anyone who sells FH3 on disc for pc and wonder if that is even a thing or if i have to download it on pc? thanks in advance
It’s not on disc for PC (unfortunately) and is only available via digital download.
It’s a pity but I can understand their thinking. But I’ll take a download over nothing.
Totally agree with u i love that they are finally comming to pc tho i dont have very fast internet butill have to wait i guess still buying it tho
Hopefully it’ll be available for pre-download, so you’ll have plenty of time to get it all before the release day. Then just download the final few files on that day. I believe that’s how it will work, but this is my first full game download, so I’m kinda going off what others say. Trying to do the whole thing on release day would be a nightmare even with decent internet speeds.
My question is, is it ok if I preorder the Xbox one disc, and then I can activate that for PC or I should buy it in the Windows store when it is available? If I’m correct, I can also get the xbox one disc, and then maybe write in some serial number on the windows store, and then I can play it on PC. I mean it is called “XBOX play anywhere” but then when I check their site (Xbox Play Anywhere | Xbox). But then the site says “Now when you own an Xbox Play Anywhere digital title, it’s yours to play on both Xbox One and Windows 10 PC.” Implying that I should get a digital version.
You can’t buy FH3 for Win10 !!!
You can only buy the DIGITAL version for XB1 to get the Win10 version for free.
Play Anywhere is ONLY available with the digital version.
If you buy the disc version you can only play on XB1.
See post #3 …
With all the problems Apex still has, the Win10 version of FH3 will be a big open beta test too.
And I’m pretty sure that’s the exact reason why they don’t ‘sell’ it for Win10.
not many, if any new PC games comes on a disc anymore lol.