[FH3] Database of Painters Gamertags, Tutorial Finder & Useful Info

GT: DontCallMeBruce
Type: Fantasy/Replica
Club: (DLK) Deadlights Kustoms

Gallery Link

Guys will get this updated asap


Hi Guys,

I have just started painting and I’m really enjoying it. I recently made a replica for the 1995 Nissan Nismo GT-R (#22 Keep the Dream Alive) and it turned out very well (See below).

I’m now taking requests and have a couple of cars which I’m working on as well as logos (I can do pretty much any logo). If you want me to work on anything. Comment here and if possible, drop me a message in game (G1BB51) and I will happily look in to it for you.



#22 Keep the Dream Alive (Nismo GT-R 1995)

I will like to be added to the database if that is ok.




Hello forza painters community I’m looking for someone who has experience in creating drift paint jobs to build me juha rintanens current drift car the s15 flaming Finn I’ve looked all over the storefront through multiple accounts designs and still haven’t had luck in obtaining it so could someone please when you have the time create the design and msg me on Xbox IconicDriftCowz gt. Thank you!!!

Thread All updated


A bit late but if you wouldn’t mind adding me when you get a chance old bean?

[Fantasy] [Race]
Gallery link:

Ta very much :beer:

Sorted Buddy^^^

On a side Note IF you are aware of any Tutorials etc not posted that you use, or have found useful. then please drop them below.
I’m working on the FM7 catalog in preparation.


Can I be added please. Will update my thread with designs shortly

Nine DyLeMa
Replica’s & Original



I’d like to throw my name in the hat.

Hotrod, street race/drag, some replica and many originals
(xDx)xDeaDxRaCinGx (open club)

I’ve also written up a couple drag tuning threads, if anyone is interested. Not sure if that’s what you’re looking for when you speak of tutorials, figured I’d offer it up though.


I don’t know how to post pics without a computer, mine died. I’m not much of a “techy”. Lol

Add me if its ok AB.
Gamer tage Mklars Designs
Racing and Racing Replicas/ And Originals
No club :frowning:
Link to some of my works.

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I made a few designes please give som feedback and suggestions

Gamertag: TankedSolid

MY name in game is PVRSE


very first work on the game with more to come.

Hello ABGraphics,

I’m pretty new here, but could you add me to your list?

Mr Duema
Type: Replica / Original
Gallery Link

Thank you very much!

GT; chimpfreq
Style: usually logo-based, often beers

Gamertag: martinsquare
Paint Styles: Fantasy, originals
URL: https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postsm869091_-FANTASY--MARTINSQUARE-S-FLAMES-OF-DEATH-PAINT.aspx#post_869091