[FH3] Database of Painters Gamertags, Tutorial Finder & Useful Info

New creator, wouldn’t mind being added :slight_smile:
Gamertag: MiniKush
Paint Styles: Racing, Abstract
Club: [MKRC] Minikush Racing and Creation
URL: To be made

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Sort of new to the painting scene and would love it if you would add me.

GT: SubieFan4
Type: Original / Fantasy / Original Rally
Club: [FL4C] Flat 4 Cinema
Gallery: http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst77216_-Original-and-Race--Subiefan4-s-Paint-Booth.aspx

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All updated!

Minikush, soon as your gallery is setup will add your URL.

Thanks all!!

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Over here!!!

Paint Style - Fantasy, Originals and sometime Race
Gallery - http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst73123_FLUEX-FH3-Gallery---Bash-2016-entry-DONE.aspx


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Sure, why not:

Gamertag: Treliz
Paint Styles: Racing, Replicas
Club: [GRDE] GRcade
URL: http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst76048_-Race-and-Replica--Treliz-Racing-Replicas---liveries-from-other-games-and-historic-replicas.aspx

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Gamertag; tea and tobacco

Style; fantasy, originals and race

Club; “not affiliated to any”

Link to my fh3 work http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst77811_-race--fantasy--originals--Gamertag-tea-and-tobacco.aspx
Many thanks.

gamer tag: wolfie darling
styles: cartoon, sci-fi, character, humorous


I am just getting in to Forza Painting and do a variety of designs. Some based on anime and movies, and some original. I like to do designs that are funny and cute. I hope you enjoy my work.

[Replica] [Original]
Club - [TBP4]
Gallery Link - http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postsm581712_Ultimat3Burnout-Design-Catalog.aspx#post_581712

Will get these updated asap, few days of sickness hampered me


Gamertag: nickfire47
Paint styles: Fantasy, Replica, Race, Anime (vinyl groups)
Club: [HDK] High Drift Kings
URL: http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postsm620275_A-bunch-of-my-designs-i-ve-made-over-the-years.aspx#post_620275

GT: Hotrod King87

type: fantasy, replicas, and originals

club: Stacked Hand Kustoms

dont know how to add links sorry

gamertag: ryn0s3r1
style: race, fantasy, misc.
club: DLK, Deadlights Kustoms

Gamertag: SBusAsCensored
Style: Race, Replica, Fantasy, Misc.
Club: Fuel Junkies [FJ / DQF]
FH3 Gallery: http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst79178_-DQF--SBusAsCensored-s-FH3-Gallery----UPDATED-25-NOV--16----Dearborn-Doll-Added.aspx

I just figured out how to import my designs from Horizon 2. There not as good as a lot of other peoples stuff. But go have a look! Just search for my gt K1llerInst1nctz.

GT: Chelseagrinn6
Type: Cartoon / Character /
Club: [24-7]
Gallery - MyForza

All Updated To Here ^^^


Gamertag: Cruehead878
Style: Replica
Gallery: http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst83835_Cruehead878-designs.aspx

GT: alec orion
Style: original
Link: https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst88786_4SHO-Designs.aspx

AB Let me get on that list

Wait a minute. There’s a limit to how many designs I can have? I’m being told I can neither download or make any more. I have 292 cars and around 1 design each. Why am I limited? I’m on PC by the way.

I’m keen!!!

GT: Eckz89
Type: Race Replicas/ Race Originals/Real World
Club: OZZI
Gallery Link