FH1 with forza hub?

I have been playing Forza Horizon 1 on my xbox 1 (now that its a backwards compatibility title)… my question is, foes it track on the forza hub as I recently discovered almost every road in the game… yet forza hub only lists me driving 2 miles worth of points… (which I did when I used to play it on my 360) I am hoping it updates to forza hub… also, quick question… is FM4 backwards compatible?

Yes it is with the HUB but quite a lot of issues are being had with it., although mine reads 2000/2000 pts. Forza 4 isn’t backward compatible.

I cannot get my “Days Played” score to increase anymore on the Forza Hub for FH1 (x360). Is there any fix for this?

Unfortunately with the Forza Hub the only answer anyone can offer is to keep playing and eventually it will update. Newer titles tend to be much more responsive, so days played / miles driven on FH4 update and track progress even within the same day, while older titles can take days or in some cases get stuck for weeks at a time.

I don’t know specifically for FH1 because I already have 1000/1000, but I do have multiple scores outstanding for FH2 just waiting for it to update. In the main Forza Hub thread in the “News Discussion” part of the forum one of the admins did say a fix for the Hub was being worked on to correct older games not updating, but that fix got pushed back as more urgent ones had been found in FH4.

For FH1 the main issue was keeping connecting to the Horizon servers. If you have that then you can do multiplayer, see leaderboards and do the 1000 Club content (if you have it). Eventually the Hub will update with your progress.

I still cannot sync my progress of FH1 with the HUB. FH1 says I had over 600 perfect passes and the HUB stopped updating at 415

I need the miles driven to complete them but no update for 2 months. I don’t know if I should do another race to update it. Sometimes it looks like you need to do something else in the game for new update. But I raced online last week so it should be enough.

Well just had to redownload my FH1 game and what a surprise the car packs that I paid for has recently been removed from my download list!!! It was working not long ago but now they’re not there to download. This is typical of Turn 10

Miles driven are race miles, not just driving freeroam

I know but still nothing. 40 miles left and I did a lot of the longest street races to get it updated and nothing.

Well, I’m not alone then. My mileage hasn’t being updated for quite some time now. Still stuck with 828/1000 for some really long time now and this is absolutely frustrating.
I tried to submit a support ticket today. Let’s see what they will reply back to me.
But the days played kept updating just as it should and I even managed to get the 50/50 at this last week…

Just ridiculous…
They closed my support ticket just by replying that they’re aware of those issues and eventually this will be addressed. Probably by Feb 31th!
I would suggest more people with issues on Forza hub updating that we start bothering support people. The more people complain, the more the change someone will actually do something about it.

Problems are from the start (for many years). I can hardly imagine how it’s possible but still I was able to go from tier 6 to 13 in last 7 months so it’s not completely broken but partly only.

Hey guys, does Multiplayer Mode work at Forza Horizon?

Yes,but you don’t get xp in online they need to fix it there are people that still repair the servers of this game it’s not dead how many people think and that’s sad