Festival Playlist events and rewards through February 22 (Autumn S71)

Seasonal Summary: Autumn Series 71 in Forza Horizon 4

Unlock Your Forza Horizon 4 Autumn Season Favorites in the Festival Playlist

Leaves scatter the roadsides in beautiful, historic Britain this week as the Festival Playlist serves up a stunning range of cars you do not want to miss!

From the 2005 Lotus Elise 111S available in The Trial to the 1965 Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupé available for 80% Completion and the 1994 Nissan Fairlady Z Version S Twin Turbo in the Overnight Parts Seasonal Championship, there’s a whole garage worth of cars to unlock.

Get them all in the Festival Playlist before Thursday, February 22.


  • 50% Completion – Horizon Backstage Pass
  • 80% Completion – 2011 Hot Wheels Bone Shaker


  • 50% Completion – Horizon Backstage Pass
  • 80% Completion – 1965 Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupé

Category Event Restriction Reward
Photo Challenge #HoonigansParadise Take a photo of any Hoonigan Car at the Express North Rail Yard Super Wheelspin
Weekly Forzathon The Stuff of Legend Any Classic Sports Car 100 Forzathon Points
The Trial Team Lotus Lotus – A 800 2005 Lotus Elise 111S
Autumn Games Bamburgh Castle 1980s Collection – S1 900 1987 Ferrari F40
PR Stunt Broadway Windmill Danger Sign Anything Goes – S2 998 Super Wheelspin
PR Stunt Oakwood Crest Speed Trap Anything Goes – S2 998 Super Wheelspin
PR Stunt Ashbrook Lane Drift Zone Anything Goes – S2 998 Super Wheelspin
Seasonal Championship Grudge Match Mustang vs. Camaro Raceoff – C 600 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 302
Seasonal Championship Overnight Pass Japanese Style – S1 900 1994 Nissan Fairlady Z Version S Twin Turbo
Seasonal Championship Down Under Aussie Rules – A 800 1973 Ford XB Falcon GT
Monthly Rivals Greendale Club Circuit 2017 VUHL 05RR Festival Playlist Completion
Online Adventure Series 71 Qualify for the Online Adventure Roster Festival Playlist Completion

There’s a couple better prizes this week but the better news is the shop is on the daily schedule. Hopefully freeroam and live events will be better because of this.

Today is the 850csi and Hoonigan RS200 both on discount.

Do you happen to know what was available the first two days? I doubt it was anything new, but just making sure.

Yesterday was the 20 GT500 Mustang and the Hoonigan RS200. I missed day one so not sure there. I just saw the Mustang this morning and noticed the timer was almost out.

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Thank you so much for posting this. I wouldn’t have fired up FH4 if I didn’t see this and I finally got the last non-PO car that I’ve been trying to get for a long time, the 850CSi. I now have every car except for the Camaro, 720, DB11, Focus, and GTR Preorder cars.


Huh, you’re missing the GTR preorder variant? I think both it and the AMG GT R preorder were originally supposed to be gifts to people who watched a certain livestream, but then they wound up gifted to everyone who played the game. I’m pretty sure I’ve had both together since I started playing.


I thought so too, but I don’t have it. I might have screwed up and confused it for a duplicate by accident. It would’ve been a long time ago because I’ve been missing it for a few years, and I always thought those two came together.


Today the Raesr and Hoonigan rs200 are in the shop.

@KnightOfRen8514 you’re welcome, and I am happy to know that the stars aligned for you to get the 850. It seems competitive in its car group and has been a favorite of mine irl. Still hope the PO cars come around again for people trying to get them.

I just accidentally deleted a Fox Mustang when looking for extras to sell for space. I was looking to see if I was the original owner and chose the wrong menu item. Then didn’t hit the back button well enough before continuing. :person_shrugging: things happen.


Besides the four white whale PO cars, the only car where I’m not the original owner is the Napier-Railton. I was lucky enough to find one at auction once, but it hasn’t been part of the Playlist for at least three years or so.

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And in today’s shop, it’s the Hennessey Velociraptor 6x6 for 199 FP, or (still) the Hoonigan RS200 for 101 FP.

Fingers crossed for something exciting tomorrow/Wednesday? Hmm.

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Roll up, roll up folks, for today’s special - the Ferrari 599XX Evolution. Yours for just 99FP, get 'em while they’re hot! :smiley:

Oh, and the Hooni RS200 is still available too. Joy. /s

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Based on the last time this came up, tomorrow (Wednesday) will be the C8 and Hoonigan rs200. The Hammer was the first one of the season which missed. The forzathon live events have been more populated which makes them better.



199FP for your very own '20 Vette. Yay?