Ferrari F430 tune xbox1

Hey yall,

Im looking for a stable grippy tune for my F430. Anybody know a good tuner I can search for? Preferably a leaderboard tune. (too bad you cant search by car :frowning: )

I have a grip tune for it, yet, not sure it is currently shared since I took many tunes down due to the tune limit. I’ll check and let you know.

Any particular tracks of preference?


p.s. You should be able to get in the car, then, search by that car’s available tunes…S or R-class and also by Tuner. It also helps, if you “follow” tuners that provide tunes to your liking, these will show up as your firsts selections. For LBs, if you see one at a track and the tune is shared, you can download it directly from the LBs list.

Checked and I still have the tune on car so I can share it if you’d like. Just let me know. Thanks!

It has a stock (sport) tranny with FD set to allow runs at Old Mulsanne with max speed ~215 mph from what I recall.


Yes dude that would be awesome. Would it be any trouble for you to post the tune here? Im really looking for a good base tune that i can work off. Thanks again!