
Time sure does fly when you are having fun, especially when that fun is actually your job but after 7+ years it is time for me to move on. This Friday will be my last day for Turn 10 but before I take off I wanted to make sure I thanked this community for all the good years.

I came from these forums, if you don’t know, I was a graphic designer that would spend my free time painting in Forza 2 and posting in the Fantasy section. When the opportunity came to work on the Forza team I quit my job, packed my bags and moved 3,000 miles west.

So many good memories of these forums, even the rough times on here were interesting. Breaking the forums with giveaway threads, “reasoning” with the why am I banned folks and seeing all the amazing content created by folks in these forums are just a few things I will remember. Over the years my job duties pulled me farther away from here but even if I was not the person in charge of the forums I still lurked around here a lot and will miss that.

Before I go though, I need to take some time to call out some moderators who made life easier for me. Snowowl was the first person I was introduced to in my first days and he is still going strong in his help to the team. The hours he spends amazes me and I hope Snowowl knows how much he is appreciated. Dragnet, well we all know he is a robot, I remember giving Dragnet moderator so he would stop PMing me with reports…never regretted that move. Max is a machine, wish I had Max with me during the years of looking over spreadsheet reports on cheaters…Dragnet will remember those. Hiero helped me with his grammar policing skills when the community team really only consisted of me for a couple months. Flying Scot was one of the first people on the Mod team to help me get acclimated to my new role back in 2008. Then there is Duek, Hoss, Worm and Bipolar, each one of you helped me greatly at some point. Lastly, thanks to everyone who has been a moderator on these forums during my time here without your help my job would have been way harder than it was and I thank you.

See you all in another game…


I can’t stop crying…


It’s been a hell of a ride. Thank you and take care.


You better still somewhat stick around… We haven’t really talked a whole lot lately, but I’ve enjoyed being a friend of yours since before you were an employee and I was a mod…

I can’t believe it has been than long since you’ve been at T10.


I am already missing you.

Good luck in everything you do Fred.


Sorry to hear your leaving and I wish you all the best in whatever you do next but I hope you still pop by the forums every now and then, if not for the banter or to post your latest paint then at least to laugh at the inevitable “Bring back Fred” or “Do you remember when Fred ran T10 and everything was great” threads. Thanks for making Forza better :).


Good luck with whatever it is. Really appreciate all you’ve help us over the years, Fred.

It really will not be the same without you around.


Good luck for the future Fred!

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My CEO just walked past my office and paused to ask, “Is everything alright?” Must have shown on my face as I’m reading this. Thanks for the shout out, I’ve always been happy to help someone I know has put a tremendous effort into the community and the events we play in game. The rivals naming puns have always put a smile on my face. Whoever gets you on their payroll next will enjoy a substantial asset. Thanks for everything and best wishes.

East coast!


Good luck with the new job. Hope to see you around here from time to time.


Thanks for all you’ve done Fred! Best wishes on your future endeavors

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It’s been that long already? Man I remember looking at a few of your designs back on FM2 even before I owned a xbox and joined the forums. It will be sad to see you leave Fred, but I hope your future endeavors will be good ones. =)

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FINE! You can be on the cat and mouse team!


If I was to bet…I would bet on Hiero hitting just as many of his teammates as he does the other team…sorry man had to be said.

Thanks for the kind words everyone and wouldn’t be a thread without Dragnet and his imagery.


That’s going in the dossier!

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Best of luck with whatever lies in your future Phred.

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When I joined the community team, Fred taught me so many things. If Fred says something, trust he is right, because he is the kind of guy that wouldn’t bother telling you something unless he knew it to be true.

You will be missed in so many ways Fred. Your enthusiasm for engaging the community is unmatched. Wherever you go, whatever you do, your contributions here have made you a legend in the world of Forza.

Thanks man! Good luck always!



This is what I call unexpected and weird news.
I wish you the best Fred.


FRED! Man, it’s been a long time. Congrats on your successes with the Forza family, and your future endeavours. Hopefully we’ll cross paths again my friend.


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ALSO, HOLY [Mod Edit - Duek - Really? The filter catches Crap? They must be joking…] [user edit - BPD - I KNOW, RIGHT?], HAY MAAAAN.

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