Being able to place the flag of your country in your username, This makes it more competitive. How GT does it
Also to include more country flags from latinoamerica, I’d love to put the flag of my country (Dom. Rep), which I know i was not in the previous game. Even GT doesn’t have it.
It would be great to have all the flags of all the countries in the world.
Fm7 let you chose a flag as did previous FMs.
Saint George flag
You’re talking about this like it’s some unknown venture. This feature existed 20 years ago, and games now.
I think the same, this detail would make it better.
Yeah, it’d be a good feature. Additional flags - such as the skull & cross bones - could be offered to peopke who don’t want to disclose their nationality.
You’re talking about going down rabbit holes and such, it’s not that deep. I’m Scottish and have dealt with the GB/UK flag deal for most games. You’ve been able to pick flags going all the way back to TOCA, it isn’t some big developmental challenge to overcome. You pick the commonly used flag selection and that’s the end of it.
Forza Motorsport isn’t a competitive game sadly
Hi! I think it would be a really nice touch to have the user’s country flag next to the username.
I would like to see the country flags come back and feature in the mini Leaderboard, summary leaderboards also time trail leaderboards would give the game some colour
GT has it tied to your account.
In previous Forza games, you could set a small avatar image beside your gamertag. These included flags.
Also allow users to use a undisclosed flag in they don’t want to use it or show it like the world flag
why don’t you insert the national flags next to the gametarg I would really like to know what country my opponent is from
This is another feature that should be included in the Fujimi Kaido update, With all the added attention due to the returning track, Small details and features like this should make the update feel like a soft relaunch or rebrand and really show the passion.