Hi guys
Just joined and want to thank you all for the plethora of info you have supplied me with about drifting and setups!
I’m not fond of the point based lobbies for drifting, or I haven’t been in a good one yet.
If any one wants to add me my GT is Masskong.
Whats up man, not many of the real drifters drift for points. We set up tandem lobbies with a lot of friends and just have a good time. If you interested just add me and ill invite you later tonight
Hey guys I’ve just bought an Xbox one with forms 6 and horizon 2 , used to play 360 on forza 2 and 3 then went to ps4 due to all my friends getting that , so I’ve got no friends on Xbox one.
Gt: WelshPetrolHead
Location: UK