Drift Adventure Point System makes no sense and is a waste of time

So, it starts with 11 People get invited.

Only 7 Show up.
The highest Rank player is R4. I´m R6. The others are below me.
So it would be logical to think i should make 2nd Place at least.

Over the 3 Races, everyone leaves because they have no chance.

It´s only me and R4 player.

He finishes 1st, im 2nd.

I lose 8 Points … WTF?

Yes the ranked scoring system is deeply flawed. It seems to be one of the devs’ infamous ‘won’t fix - by design’ issues.

Out of 2 people you lost. So you lost points. Rank has nothing to do with post race placement either.

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Yes, the way it handles people dropping out is simply wrong. The first to drop out should be treated as finishing last, then the next to drop out above them and so on. This should apply both in terms of them being regarded as losing to the people above them, and the people above them being regarded as beating the people below them. So your rating should have been adjusted for beating 9 people and losing to 1 person. This is how it works in GT Sport and I can’t recall seeing anyone complain that it’s wrong in doing so.

What we don’t see yet is tomorrow’s post

Lol. I myself have never watched my point standings. But from all that I have heard, yeah, the points system is quite bizarre. I myself have only done the ranked to qualify and I leave it at that. The highest rank I have ever earned is 9th and I’m not sure what event. Surely not drifting, think I’m 15th, but recently I have discovered a Type 2 that has been my most successful, so maybe I’ll give it a shot now.

New Tuning Test run (Place 5, wasnt that good of a tuning) -30! Points
Next Race Place 1 +16 Points
Next Race Place 3 -10 Points

All 3 Races Ended with about 8 to 10 Players.

Out of 3 Races i was in the Top 3 (you know, the podium which should reward you with anything) 2 Times!

Overall points out of 3 Races -24 Points.
That´s how you motivate someone to keep playing …

Dont worry. I won a ranked adv and got -2. Its cause of their idiotic system . I was league 4 and all the other ones were 15-16 or unranked. They wont changed it cause they think its good… when ALL THE PLAYERS HATE IT cause its dumb. Man… they cant even copy paste the menu from road adventure to select the class and drive train. They killed the game them selves !!!

You should never lose points for winning, even against lower people. Let players win 1 point, if anything, but points decay for winning is stupid.

Then again, this is the franchise that tries to penalize you for winning too much, even in solo mode. So… yeah.

Todays Overview:

Place 3: -16
Place 3: -22
Place 2: +6
Place 2: -2

nuff said, i´m off playing something else that respects my time