Hey everyone looking for fast and clean racers we have a really active club always racing with at least 6 or 7 club mates at a time we do rival times always tuning new cars and having a great time online we are currently sitting in 206th place on club leader board and want to reach fir the top we have a website in the works and an forum also coming soon come join us
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Hey man im interested in joining the club im currently with #ESD i win the ladder almost every week and they dont like to do things with clubmates. I have been playing forza since the first one. Im very good love to tune, race. Shoot me an invite or add me on XBL xJudge Dr3dd
I’ll be on in a few I’ll shoot u a invite
Still recruiting if anyone interested look us up!!
I just joined the club and already put the club logo on my Lexus LFA! Looks Awesome!!
Awesome I’ll add u today soon online
Club is growing add me for more info!
Hi there
Me and my friend are playing FH2 for a while now and I have been in many clubs, but never could find a club where they do free roam and road trips together. Most of the clubs are community clubs with no activities. If this club is doing activities with their members I would like to join with my friend. My GT is MohenjoDaro.