[DOGG] Doggies Garage 26/8 page 3, Magnus Walker meets Liberty Walk :)

Hallo everyone

Finally on Horizon 2 :slight_smile:

Doggies Garage is my small paint, tuning garage, and been doing this for the last 5-8 years, actually FM5 and FH2 are the only games i have for the Xbox One :slight_smile:

Gonna use this thread to show off some of my work, and decided that FH2 will only be or mostly be Street designs and then ill keep the race liveries over on FM5 :wink:

My first one is done and up, a replica og Gumball team 57’s “off Season” Lamborghini aventador, thats Tron and Team Salamon Inspired :slight_smile:

Search: Dogg Gumball57

Lamborghini Aventador LP700 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Aventador LP700 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Aventador LP700 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Aventador LP700 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Aventador LP700 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Aventador LP700 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Hey dogg glad to see you over here in fh2 can’t wait to see some more :+1:

Oooh, shiny.

Glad to see you here. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your designs!

Woop woop :slight_smile:

Thanks alot guys :slight_smile:

And well its going slowly i must admite, racig instead and having fun, but started on this new one :slight_smile:

The Liberty Walk Warmachine Murcielago :wink: Still alot of logo work left and some body work, had as hell to paint in the new paintbooth, the lightning is soooo bad :frowning:

But this is how it looks now :slight_smile:

Lamborghini Murcielago by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

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Nice work FD, be cool to see you step away from the Rocket Bunny / Liberty Walk kits now :wink:


Thanks AB :slight_smile:

And yea time to do something new soon :wink: the car i want to do is now for free in fh2 so next Will be a good old time attack car :slight_smile:

Even though i promised myself no race paints in fh2 but car is free, no Real cash needed :smiley:

Loving the “War Machine” mate. Don’t quit doing LB stuff, it’s so you. Your more Liberty Walk than Kato San.

Thanks alot Ace, and no worries there will be a few Liberty Walk designs coming up soon :wink:

And Warmachine has now hit the streets in Horizon, make sure to get your own :wink:

Search: Dogg Liberty Walk

Lamborghini Murcielago by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Murcielago by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Murcielago by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Murcielago by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Murcielago by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Murcielago by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Murcielago by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Murcielago by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Lamborghini Murcielago by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr


Enough said!


Damn this Lambo is soo fresh…

Love the lambo

Thanks alot guys, really glad you all like :slight_smile:

and whitey think thats my best shot ever :smiley:

nice work on the Lambo dude!

Thanks alot Dose :slight_smile:

New and shared :slight_smile:

Warmachine 2 is now alive and kicking, Liberty Walk Nissan GTR :slight_smile:

Last widebody car for now , so hope people like :slight_smile:

SEARCH: Dogg Liberty Walk

Nissan GT-R R35 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Nissan GT-R R35 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Nissan GT-R R35 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Nissan GT-R R35 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Nissan GT-R R35 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Nissan GT-R R35 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Nissan GT-R R35 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

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Nissan GT-R R35 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Nissan GT-R R35 by URC Fightdogg, on Flickr

Woof woof Dogg! lol

What’s not too like it’s awesome…

Thanks alot mario :slight_smile: