i want to ask does horizon 5 steam has the same issue with steering wheel as horizon 4 steam?
ffb in fh5 is way better. many people say its very good.
but anyway depending on system and steeringwheel/pedal combination there are still issues with steeringwheels in fh5.
most of the issues are already part of the known issues list.
Does it have dead zone like fh4 steam?
if you have deadzone issues you maybe never found the advanced wheelsetup:
which is still available in FH5
No, Dead zone persists even if you have advanced settings on fh4 [STEAM]!!
Well, with that advanced settings I was able to kill all deadzones on my exotic custom made pedals in both fh4 and fh5.
As I said depending on system and steeringwheel/pedal combination there are still issues with steeringwheels in fh5 - but there is no “Dead zone persists” in general…
Because you have a deadzone issue doesn’t mean this happen to all wheelusers.
Maybe you should give more info about your wheel/pedal combination and exactly describe what your issue is.
(and maybe choose the troubleshoting section in this forum instead of discussion)
with some luck someone may able to help you…
Since OP changed their title: I’m on PC on Xbox store. (why put a 3rd party in the way when you know they have integration issues already?)
It’s way better than FH4, but it’s not “SIM” level either. I play exclusively on a G923 and wouldn’t have it any other way - they are in fact so different, I can’t even play FH4 any more because of the new physics they’ve added make the feel much better.
Forza Horizon 5 has better out of the box FFB than FH4, but it’s not a night-and-day evolution, its more of a refinement because the FFB in Fh4 was decent once you tweaked the settings for your respective wheel. There’s not as much snap-oversteer which was a hallmark of the Simulation steering setting with most RWD cars. You could tweak that out in the settings but FH5 just seems more forgiving from the get-go.
If you are looking for the physics of Motorsport or something much more realistic like say Asetto Corsa, you’ll be disappointed.
However even with my lowly TMX from Thrustmaster, just by changing the wheels rotational angle (outside deadzone) and playing with 2-3 other settings I’m not at all disappointed.
One thing to mention, the roads are generally more forgiving in FH5 too…much more high-speed sweeping elevation changes in Mexico versus more dramatic ones in the smaller European map.
Horizon 4 on steam had straight up broken FFB, at least it was for me on thrustmaster t300.
I had FH4 on MS Store way before steam, and it worked just fine there. Not really a simulator, but still decent and fun to drive.
Ffb in fh4 on steam felt like it was reversed with a 75% deadzone on top of that. Idk if they fixed it after the initial release.
I can´t say FH5 is much better than (not broken)FH4 in terms of ffb, i think it´s a slight upgrade. But this time around it´s not broken on steam. I had to get discounted game pass on launch to try both versions to see if it was broken on steam. Thankfully, it wasnt, so i kept it on steam.