please, this is like my dream car. I’ve always wanted it. Anyone has a spare. Please tell me.

How it can be given directly to you? Is not possible as far as I know, unless some moderator mail it to you as an sweet exception. Players cannot gift to specific persons I think.

I guess he didn’t mean that bro, I think he’s looking for someone to sell the fury to him at the auction house.

But is it possible to be sold to him? Someone with faster connection may buy before him I think. I am new to the game and there’s many things I don’t know. Please let me know if if a sale can be menaged like that,
I can barely win buyouts and if is possible I better buy this way.

You always need to shoot fast at auctions to get the car, but on the forum you can arrange a time during the week that has less crazy snipes for the person to put the car in the auction house, you can chat on a call on whatsapp or snapchat to find out the exact moment when the car will be listed at the auction this gives you a huge advantage over these crazy snipes, This is how negotiations happen.

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Got one will trade for f-250