Dodge NASCAR Gen 2 racing models 1967-1979 (Charger/Magnum)

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Dodge NASCAR (Second Generation)

This topic covers all Dodge variants that were part of the second generation of NASCAR regulations, these include the Dodge Charger and Dodge Magnum body styles.


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Which body style do you prefer?

  • Dodge Charger (1967-1977)
  • Dodge Magnum (1978-1979)
0 voters

Just so some are aware, this is what a '75 Charger looked like. NASCAR was still using the '74 Bodied cars for racing, so those cars will look like the second pic (which is the same for the Le Mans Olympia car shown). In '78, NASCAR did switch to the correct year body style, but it was the Magnum (3rd pic). I could only find pics from Richard Petty that showed an actual '77-'78 Charger being used for NASCAR (4th pic), but he seems to be one of the very few who did (poor aero design). It also seems as if the front end used was that of the square headlight Cordoba (pic 5), not the Magnum or Charger.



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Dodge Charger (race spec) 1968-1970

This topic is for all second generation racing spec versions (NASCAR, etc). Voting on street and track-focused versions of the production model is a separate topic.

The Nascar 69 Charger Daytona is a completely different car from the production car version. Please add for the oval tracks



Buick, Chevrolet, Olds, Pontiac-



This should be all gen two vehicles nascar used.
Need more models to vote for if there not in the game already. Please and Thank you.