DLC - Offline

Anyone having problems playing with your DLC cars when you are Offline? Right now, the Xbox One can not connect to my wireless router so I was unable to use all the cars from the DLC purchased. I can only use all the cars that came with the Forza 6 game. Very strange that you can NOT use all the DLC cars you bought even when you are Offline from the internet.

When I try to open a DLC car right now, I get this error message: “MARKETPLACE ERROR”, “Failed to download required marketplace data. Please try again later.”

For example, if I decided to cut off my internet services, I will not be able to use all the DLC cars that I paid for already?

I’ve had my internet crash a few times since fm6 came out and I’ve never had any issues with using dlc cars.

You may have to reinstall the game.

If I reinstall the game, will I loose all my DLC cars and money?

You need to set or re-set your console as ‘home console’ to be able to use download content even when your offline.

Do this when you’re connected to Xbox live service. After that you should perform a ‘hard reset’.



I did the re-set to ‘home console’ and went Offline. It is working now. I was able to use all my DLC cars without going Online. However, I did not do a ‘hard reset’ because it seems to be working fine the way it is.

If it’s working without the hard reset then it’s ok.

You only need to hard reset if it’s still not working after your home-console-setting.

If you re-install the game you won’t loose anything that you’ve payed for. It will just show up on the side of the games settings and will say ready to install. I’ve done this with a few games before when I was having problems. All game data should remain the same as well as long as it’s linked to the cloud.

Thanks everyone for your help!

None of these tips work for me. Always unable to select DLC car when staying offline