I need some help with my DLCs.
I originally had the 2 disc game since it was released, but earlier this year disc 1 became unreadable.
Missed playing online so much that I got a copy of Essentials as a gift. It didn’t take long to realize you do not have all your cars from Disc 2 anymore and your DLCs that you had purchased; or at least my case.
Being a die hard fan I went ahead and purchased all the missing cars/packs through Xbox live and downloaded them all.
Waited till each one was downloaded before moving to the next (read that was an issue not waiting)
Here’s where I get frustrated. None of the DLCs are available to use even though they are in my garage already. most of them have liveries on them in my garage. I read that you have to purchase them with in game credits in the “dealership”, but that doesn’t work either. I try to buy them with in game CRs and takes me to the market place to download again.
I have done this several times, even with the free samples with no luck what so ever.
Does anyone have any idea of what I should do aside from buying another Full copy of forza 4? Spent the money DLCs already for the cars missing from disc2
I also have a Xbox Elite not sure if that’s an issue, but saw a post some where that someone said he had the problem on his xbox elite.