Digital foundry calling out T10

When you are in multiplayer, you don’t really get a choice. Overcast days are really dark too. I’ll try it out at some point, but I drive in cockpit and it’s hard enough to see due to lack of exposure adjustment and poor lights at night. All you gotta do is drive the standard sim to see the difference. Headlights in AMS2 brigten everything in front of you enough at night to see.

I do wonder if the grayness was an adjustment in one of the updates though, because I did notice after one of them it was easier to see braking markers, though they are still a bit too small usually.

Because AMD gpu’s always been less good compared to Nvidia. They have bad drivers, problems in games only AMD has, no DLSS etc. there is a reason that Nvidia is the company with the second highest value on the planet now. Because their hard- and software is superiour to everything else.

Sure AMD can have very nice raw rasterization performance, but the drivers suck and no DLSS is a dealbreaker. Also I have g-sync monitor and TV. I would have to replace both if I wanted to use freesync. Sure now there are monitors that support both at the same time, but years ago that wasn’t the case you had to choose between the two.

Because they sell AI chips :sweat_smile:

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Yes but the fact they can do that and AMD can’t already speaks volumes.

Absolutely, but they aim at different markets.
With the Threadripper processors, AMD has gained a good share of the market in the server and professional workstation sphere (video editing for example), as well as having done well in the console world (let us not forget that PlayStation and Xbox use AMD processors and that all handhelds on the market use AMD processors).
With Backwell, Nvidia attacks a booming AI market.
At the time for Nvidia and for AMD the gaming markets is a small part of their business.
My first Nvidia card was a Diamond Edge 3D with NV1 chip in 1996. I started using Nvidia when nobody knew who it was (and I didn’t either to be honest, I trusted the partnership with SEGA). :sweat_smile:

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I’ve always used Nvidia and even SLI I was crazy about seeing two graphics cards together to get the benefits but now it doesn’t matter because they Evolved so much and are much more powerful. But I switched to AMD in 2017 and I’m actually super satisfied. I’ve more power for less money. My first AMD card was a RX590 Wich was 20% faster than a 1060 from Nvidia and cheaper almost 80euros. And even when Nvidia launched 1660 it would still battle that one. Also got AMD processors went with a Ryzen 7 2700x and now Ryzen 5 5600x. Banger for the money !

I don’t have a gaming PC anymore, I passed to console gaming definitively in 2013.
I am not ‘racist’ about the choice of processors or video cards, don’t worry :slight_smile:
I think that the lack of DLSS (a proprietary technology) is not a flaw when you propose an open source one (FSR). So AMD or Nvidia are both good choices.

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But FSR looks like garbage compared to DLSS.

Clearly a proprietary technology using dedicated hardware is at a greater advantage than an open one that allows even older Nvidia video cards to improve performance and visual quality. Not as much as DLSS but for those without DLSS it’s better than nothing, right?
As said, everyone is free to choose based on their experience, their budget, or their loyalty to one brand or another.
I switched to consoles 11 years ago because I stopped playing games sitting at my desk. My last configuration had an Intel Core i7 CPU and ATI/AMD Radeon R9 graphics. I was happy with it, but back then there were no such technologies (ray tracing, upscaling or frame generation).
Today if I were to buy a new gaming PC I would probably choose an AMD processor and Nvidia GPU.


Yes I use AMD cpu and Nvidia GPU. It’s currently the best option if I want to save some money at least for one of the two. Because there is nothing wrong with AMD cpu’s. AMD cpu’s are also much easier to use, because you don’t have to overclock them and they don’t have P and E cores, AMD cpu’s only have fast cores where a few are a tiny bit slower but not that slow like on modern Intel cpu’s. There you sometimes have to turn off the slower E cores to fix performance, you never have to do that with AMD cpu’s.

AMD cpu = plug and play
Intel cpu = you have to overclock them and tinker with cores

Does AMD still have the best price/performance? Back when i PC gamed they usually did, and also had much better vram Amounts. Lots of ppl with nvidia cards for instance wouldnt be able to rock the high res texture mods on skyrim for instance.

I wouldn’t recommend it for multiplayer at all. It’s definitely too broken for anything competetive.

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XeSS has a version compatible with all new GPUs from all vendors and it looks much better than FSR. FSR is undoubtedly the worst looking option on the market.

Ive recommended AMD gpus to people in the past. If you’re on a budget and prioritise fps over visuals then it can be a good pick, but let’s not pretend FSR is a particularly good piece of tech.

FSR at the time is the only option on consoles.
Better than nothing.

According to DF there is something really wrong with all 13900K (F) and 14900K (F) cpu’s that are on the market atm.

But 13700K and 14700K are affected too and the 13600K (F) and 14600K (F) only to a degree. The 12xxx series is not affected.

I mean, sure, but that doesn’t make it good?

Its not compromised because it has to support consoles. Its the main option on consoles because the consoles are AMD.

UE5 TSR also works on consoles and is generally a lot better.

Also because is not locked to an engine.
Like the UE5 TSR you mentioned.

Bringing up TSR was to showcase that FSR shouldn’t be so compromised simply because of the hardware it’s designed for. When TSR can run on that same hardware.

Whether it’s TSR or some studios proprietary TAA upscaling, there are a lot of options that look and run better. I don’t really understand the point that you’re trying to make tbh.

AMD has always been subpar compared to Nvidia. Especially with their drivers and software.


100% That’s why I bought my 3090 with confidence.AMD has some good new cards and the driver interface is pretty awesome now too, but they still have game/driver conflicts like they have had in the past. The money saved on AMD gpu’s seems to be the tradeoff for finiky drivers… I’m too old to be bothered with driver issues anymore.