Design Styles: What’s your pick?

So it’s safe to say I enjoy spending the majority of my time working on new designs & creating vinyls for said designs. My vinyls are typically my attempts to replicate brand logos & symbols as closely as possible with what’s available (I play on a SeriesX, not PC, & with limited talent so they don’t always turn out so great :smile:).

Very often, I will spend countless total hours between researching current manufacturer team designs & sponsors, & trying to closely recreate those design themes to the respective car brands. In addition to that, I also try to create unique styles with just paint color variations & vinyl shapes.

The thing I find interesting, is that often times those designs that I personally think I’ve done pretty well with & typically spent the most time on, don’t always reflect that in the downloads, uses & likes (granted, I don’t have that many followers & don’t always make the “Find new designs page”).

Of course everyone has their own taste & I’ve seen contrasting opinions with regard to the racing designs with a lot of graphics vs more simple, straightforward color variations & abstract designs.

Which brings me to the point of this topic: what’s your preference for car designs: Race or clean styles?

(I’d like to say there are some very talented artists & designers out there with designs that are truly amazing & their efforts are appreciated. Keep up the great work! I’d also like to say thanks to those who have downloaded any of my designs & given “Likes” & appreciative messages in return.)

My designs are mainly TV, and Movie designs.


I’ve done a few of those also (MFP Interceptor designs from the original MadMax & a Starsky & Hutch design, and no, none of them were on the correct cars but the sentiment was there lol).

Very nice; def like that color combo

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I’ve actually done some similar design styles and colors on other cars, one of my favorite colors.

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I like being totally unique and creative. Sometimes I’ll scour designs for ideas, inspiration, or new techniques, but I almost inevitably make my own designs (leaning heavily on community made vynls).

I’ve recently embraced simple designs. I went through a faze of feeling the need make my designs more complex and to push myself further, but some cars do look best with simple, straightforward designs.

I do like slapping something visually interesting on the side of my cars often, but unfortunately that usually means a waifu. I don’t really want waifus on all my cars (though I’m not against it with some Japanese cars) but I kind of have to work with what the Forza community gives me. You search for Dragon, and you’ll get 4 or 5 really good options, of which is possible none will work with your car/colour scheme, and even if they do you run out quickly.

I’ve tried a few things. Wolf. Ninja. Hawk. Abstract art. All the same or a similar deal. Meanwhile you type in waifu or anime… Nigh unlimited options, and guaranteed something that will work with your car.

So I’d do that even more then I do now if it wasn’t for the hyperfocus of community content. I mean I get that people are horny, and painting girls on the side of vehicles is an age old tradition that predates the war, but we’re a little oversaturated here, and some other subject matters could use more contributions.

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I have a diverse design style



You use Forza Aero and upgrade cars to X class…? Ew.

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You’re just jealous I can afford gold paint and you can’t.

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All my cars sport similar colours too. :sweat_smile:

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@Foreman81: better color with the exterior shot


Well thank you! Not sure how well it will hold up under scrutiny lol but I have to admit it was a little trickier than I first thought it would be in order to get the vinyl angles & contours as close to the approximation of what I could see in the photos. Absolutely will share & you can find it in my creative hub along with a tune upgrade if you’re interested (definitely not stock at 272mph! :smile:).
I also downloaded your Mopar 10 design & liked, very nice! I’ve done a few designs on the SRT Demon but they are definitely not stock as you can see lol.

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Mine are like this…

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Very nice; are you on PC or how do you generate those types of graphics?

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I make vinyls on PC, and Xbox. I use Glass2k which make a transparent window for you to work over.

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That’s impressive. I use only the vinyl editor on XBox & the available shapes.

You have to use the shapes, but it’s a bit easier.

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This is closer to the level I currently attempt when it comes to actual pictures :grin:
@TheWarmWind76: your comment about searching for Dragons gave me this idea, so let me know what you think, crude though it may be lol.