Crown Vic Lights & Siren

No siren song
No possibility to turn off siren
No light effect during the night with siren

Why turn 10 ??? its too difficult for you to do that ??

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The light effect is rather disappointing. Neither the spot lights or the sirens emit any light on the environment what so ever.

Police sirens are now present in sound effects!!

I saw it under the special horns after BM was installed. There is a siren.

I have definitely heard sirens in FH3 while racing online. They were driving me crazy this past weekend. Guys pulling up on your bumper and hitting their siren. Probably a horn.

You can’t turn the police lights off on the Crown Vic, but you can earn the police siren via Blizzard Mountain, I think.

wish you could toggle lights and maybe a better lightbar for the police car bc the one it uses is old and looks bad lol

There is a siren, but is not called as it. Look at the foremost right section. “Special Horns” or so.
In my video one can see there is the siren (Lamborghini Diablo SV, NFS III like)

I have my interceptor done up as a police car with a siren horn option so it does exist. maybe people just have to unlock it somehow. It says “police siren” in my list of horns.

i really wish forza horizon 3 had more police lights and parts options

Maybe letting players make there own parts for cars?

Hi there there while were on the topic of horns I can not find wher to change them the list was ther but now am ubable to find it this happened after I downloaded the horn pack if possible could some one post a pick of the horn selection tab Thanks guys :+1: Never mind found it could not see for looking must have been a case of tunel vision​:laughing: