Convoy - random drops out of convoy

Hi I have the following problem. When I play with friends in a convoy every now and then at random times I stop seeing them and they me. My friends then have the information that I am leaving the convoy. Usually after some time it joins me to the convoy by itself and after some time they stop seeing me and I them again. I also have a problem with eliminator, when I play it throws me out of it at random times. These problems have been going on for a few months now I was hoping it would be fixed after some update, but I’m sick of it.

Please help

(I should also add that I have FH5 on MS Store and I have Win 10 Home 21H2)

@NinjaGameYT1234 does this issue persist after recent updates? If so please click Vote above the topic title.


We’re closing this thread due to low reports / reproductions. If you are still experiencing this issue you can create a new topic. At the time of the closing this topic had 0 votes.

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