Control not returned leaving Pits at Le Mans

Yet to do a bunch of work on testing the circumstances of this, but twice now (once in Builders Cup practice, once in free play test drive) after pitting on maple valley and coming out of pit lane the game would not give me back control of the vehicle and would instead be driven by AI until exiting via the menu. AI would complete all laps of practice with me as a passenger. Hitting pause then going back into the race would turn off all car noise (just ambient noise left). On XSX, occurred on two different vehicles.


Bought the Cadillac V Series and thought I might fang it around Le Mans for awhile to test it out in Free Play mode.

Did Test Drive and Circuit Race and in both modes when pitting, the AI does not return control of the car to me.

It just auto controlled the car at 131km/h amd went the whole way around the track…

this is not just lemans, its happened on several tracks


Does this issue still persist after recent updates?
Would it be possible to provide a video of this in action?

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Nup, fixed. Thanks

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