Contest Info & Feedback Opportunity

I dont want to be “that guy” but i entered the livery3 contest last week (first time entering) and although there where some designs that where definitely better than mine, i felt as though a few of the winners where nowhere near as good and as detailed as mine and a few others that didnt win. My entry had the most likes from users out of all of the designs entered that week, i know that it is not voted by users or likes but surely having the most likes means the public likes it. Again, i really dont mean to sound bitter about this, i know that i am far from one of the best painters on here but i think alot more people would appreciate my design over some of the designs that won. Thankyou :slight_smile:

My suggestions for all contests:

  • **Only one submission is allowed-**This stops people spamming photos and makes the competition fairer.

  • **A separate themed competition-**This would either feature a particular theme such a Halloween or Christmas or a particular car.

  • **A dedicated in-game system to enter liveries/photos-**This would make it more structured and you could add which car you’d like for your prize.

  • **Better featuring of competition winners photos/liveries-**I feel that unless you are aware and actively are searching for winning photos/liveries then winners potentially loose out.

  • **Credits for downloaded and liked photos-**Give an extra incentive for people to submit their photos.

I am overall disappointed with Turn10 and the community managers and the staff this also includes any playgrounds games staff that maybe could be doing something.

My disappointment comes from years of built up community leadership under Helios10 and everything that I know he did to involve the community in the game. I know for a fact that johniwanna also was instrumental In the delvopment of the community/developers relationship.

And now it’s all falling apart, FM7 was the first. When that launched with massive bugs it killed the community. A game that clearly needed another year in development was rushed out. It took too long for responses to put together a falling part game with a bunch of stuff no one asked for to be redesigned and new stuff brought in. This that had been long time Forzalites were disappointed and some of them left the community.

Now with Forza Horizon you have introduced a few things that really didn’t sit well with the community. Adding clothing in the way that you did by adding it to the wheel spins. Along with not releasing the way things add up in the Horizon life “artist” “tuner” and “photographer” sections… we are fully blind as to how to get advancement through those sections.

We were told you could go through the whole game through one of those avanues but this is not the case as you need HUGE Amounts of downloads to do so in any of these categories it appears. So great for all the long time Forza residents but what about those that may not be so resident?

What we need is a clear understanding of what is going to happen and how things are now! Forza has gone from a communicator to their community to a cutout of every other video game out there.

The Photocomp I know for a fact, no one is judging those photos or rather only one or two people are. There is no way that the quality of photos that have been chosen so far in FH4 is based off of a judging of the best photos that are submitted in FH4. That is what a Photocomp is, the judging of the best that we have to offer. This is clearly not being done. One of two things needs to happen either change the name from a comp to Turn10 selects and make everyone aware that it is no longer a comp but just a feel good picking of photos with no structure to quality, or go back to judging the best photos in the game and give people a reason to take photos. To become better through competition.

Something has to change as this is not going to be my only stop on my quest to return the community back to its glory days where involvement was key and helped both sides grow! This should still be in Turn10’s vision!!!


Congratulation, Photocomp is now officially useless. I just seen the new winners. It looks like feedbacks are not taken seriously. I’ll attempt ONE more time to participate and see the results. If the results don’t meet my expectations, that will be a detrimental let down. I’ll have to do a very detailed thread, judging shots myself, to demonstrate how proper judgements should be done.

I have plans to do this via mixer. With also having guest come in and give their recomandations and whatnot. I just figure I would give Turn10 at least another comp before I go down this avenue.

As somebody who doesn’t enter photo contests I’m curious as to the last few posts. Reading the posts I get the impression that “the wrong types of pictures are winning”, or something along those lines.

Can somebody illustrate an example by sharing a few images?

I have absolutely no issue with pushing myself to make better liveries, it’s something i want to do anyway, but it is noticeable that there’s been a change in the way the livery contests (specifically as that’s the one i take part in) are judged and it’s making me (and others) second guess about taking part in future.

What’s different now to FM7 contests?

There was a quality to the photos of FM7 like the promotions dept could have used any of the ten photos to promote the game and it would have worked well on the side of a billboard. Here in FH4 the same standard is not being held up. And there are ten times more quality photos now than in FM7. I am beside myself as to how this happens.
But it’s still being considered a contest.
How can a contest of 10 winners not pick from the top 30 photos every single week? How do you determine a top photo, would the ad dept use this photo to advertise the game? Does it show off the best features in the game? Does it have a wow factor?

I mean is simple stuff that is just not being addressed.

Same goes for the livery contest.

I cant help but feel the same way Rob.
There has to be some hidden rules i dont know of, because i dont get it at the moment.
Not even so much that i think i should win anything, but i dont see how some of the designs are winning over other designs that simply seem better to me.
I will leave this weeks entry, because it is in collaboration with a tuner, But at this time i wouldnt even want to win if it was for the wrong reasons.

So there’s my thoughts, i hope i haven.t offended anyone.

good luck to all

I feel the same :confused:
I was very disappointed on livery3 comp, it was my first time entering any comp on these forums, and although mine was far from the best i think it deserved to win over a few of the designs that did. There where also other very good designs that deserved to win in my opinion.
I entered this week hoping not necessarily to win but to see the right choices being made and now i see there are still very bad decisions being made. I am one of this weeks winners and it feels like abit of a hollow victory after seeing some of the results. This should be a great boost of confidence but it has me second guessing my own work.

I wish we could all win :crossed_flags:

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Ill be going over all of your PMs here shortly, thank you for the detailed write ups, I think we can all make some good changes going forward and all get a better understanding of what the community wants and how we can meet that standard.

Question: Since Forza Motorsport 7 contests are starting to fall off in terms of popularity, what is everyone’s opinion on moving it to being monthly? Or, any ideas on changes that can made to bring it back up to speed?

Lets keep talking, this is all good stuff, and thank you to those whom have kept things tactful and civil!


Yay!! Thank you!

While personally I wouldn’t want to see the opportunity to win be reduced to a monthly interval - I totally understand that participation has fallen off to the point it should be a consideration… especially with the number of entrants in the numerous H4 contests that must be eating a huge chunk out of the limited available time you guys have to devote to this. It’s also been that way in the past as well (when I started playing FM6, it was already a monthly schedule since H3 was already 6 months old) so moving to a monthly schedule is some of us anticipated would occur. Not happy about it, but we’re gonna be OK with it… it’s all good :slight_smile:

Now changes that would need to be made to bring it back up to speed I fear would be something you personally would not be able to fix at this level. We could go on about the game reward system and the way any design that is not featured gets placed in some black hole after 24 hours along with 100’s if not 1000’s of other cars - requiring Sherlock Holmes himself to find… and much more - but that’s kinda beating a dead horse, so I won’t waste your time. I feel the lack of participation is something that game itself is going to have to promote. Weekly contests won’t help that.

Anyway - thanks for allowing us the opportunity for feedback. Wish I did have something more constructive to add, but being a realist does have it’s drawbacks. (like we say in Oklahoma… it ain’t, what it ain’t).


So is it monthly now?

My idea so that the contests of FM7 will not reduce would be the increase of the list of cars for awards like in the FH4, that makes available all, except of paid DLC’s and increased rewards in CR. Coupled with these ideas and if the weekly quit a lot, it could be biweekly, so it would give time for more people to come in.

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Making FM7 a monthly contest could maybe help get more photos in for each contest. So with that I agree should be now put into a monthly rotation.

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Finally, we got better picks this week! Hope level went from: 0.001% to 99%

Alcohol and tobacco liveries I thought they were barred from entering the comps??? I could be mistaken but I believe there was something about this a while back in a rules section.

Also I think we need to change the title of the Comps from COMPS to PICKS it needs to read Turn 10 Picks not competition. Photopick8 and Liverypick8 is how people should be entering. Its been 8 weeks now and I still have not seen a competition yet.


the activity or condition of competing.

“there is fierce competition between banks”

rivalry · competitiveness · vying · contesting · opposition · contention · conflict · feuding · battling · fighting · struggling · strife · war · keeping up with the Joneses
an event or contest in which people compete.

“a beauty competition”

contest · tournament · match · game · round · heat · fixture · event · meet · encounter · race · bout · fight · prize fight · quiz · trials · stakes · clash
the person or people with whom one is competing, especially in a commercial or sporting arena; the opposition.

What is happening now is more like this.



an act or the right of selecting something from among a group of alternatives.
“take your pick from our extensive menu”

choice · selection · option · decision · preference · favorite

PLEASE change COMP’s to PICK’s