Complete Add-Ons Collection for FM6 release and discount



So they do know it exists :wink:

So to be able to drive the '66 Silvia in this game I’d need to spend almost $50. Ridiculous for just one car. I’m more than happy to pay a reasonable price for it, but not buying the Complete Add Ons collection when I already have them all bar the Silvia.

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I transcribed the list of what was included from the collection link. I found it puzzling that they only included two of the content update cars, but it was late so I went to sleep without checking out every possible detail on the items. Seeing your post now I took the minimal effort of clicking the Store link and then clicking the Nissan Silvia item. This is what it shows:

Minimal effort. Give it a try sometime.


Ah nice, thank you Max!

I apologise for my above comment.

Just need Dom’s Charger, and my collection will finally be complete.

That’s a good price for everything at <$50. I won’t buy since I have most of this stuff but still a good deal.

That’s a good price if you don’t have any of the DLC. I already have the pieces I want though like VIP and Porsche pack and at this stage in the game, I’m getting ready for the potential FM7. The packs not included in the car pass make it worth it for the collector. Not sure how much they are individually though. Btw, the 1966 Nissan Silvia is not a big deal. There was ways to get it. Just like with some past cars maybe it’s gone.


I downloaded the silva on the link u provide, its saids i own the car now but its no where to be found…??

Go to your game add-ons and confirm that it’s not waiting to install. Reboot and look again.

Did all that and still no sign…

Under manage game from the FM Pause menu it shows as FM6 1966 Nissan Silvia 30.2MB

After second reboot I get FM6 needs an update (1.52 GB)

I just saw the other thread about the E-sports update… let the update install completely then did a cold reboot… and…

Still no 1966 Nissan Silvia anywhere to be seen…

Not in either your garage, message center, or Buy Cars menu?

I had only checked the garage and buy cars hadn’t checked message centre… Just checked it isn’t in there either…

Still showing as installed under manage game…

Only 1966 car is the McLaren M2B

Actually I can’t find it either, says installed checked all of the above, rebooted twice. Checked messages, gifts, my games and apps, my cars, buy cars. Looks like it is installed but no car. Uninstalled, reinstalled, still nothing. I clicked the windows store link maybe I should have done it from the xbox store but I reinstalled it from there. Was anyone able to get it? Says it works with any version. Someone posted in the reviews that it isn’t showing up. Just a heads up, I’m sure it will get resolved. I have patience but I wanted to list my steps.
Max you mailbox is full if you read this,

I’ll toss my name into the ring of not being able to find it anywhere.

Same here, downloaded the 66 Silvia to my console but nowhere to be found in the game.

Incidentally as someone without any of the DLC I would have been more inclined to buy this so-called complete pack if it actually was complete. Particularly I would have liked the 10 year anniversary pack. I know you can buy the cars anyway etc. but that’s not the point.

(clearing out my inbox now, thanks for the heads up leetorts)

If anybody does successfully download and use the Nissan Silvia by itself, or buys the Collection and is able to use the Nissan, please post that here; I don’t see anything on the Store page that indicates the Collection is required to use that car, but it would be good to know.

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I just recently received my first XBOX One and can once again play Forza. Through the Deals with Gold, I bought the FM5 + 6 Bundle and Complete Bundle. None of the free cars with every pack are showing up anywhere? The Porsche and NASCARS were all gifted to my garage, but nothing else. Where do I go to get the free copy of all the DLC cars in my garage?

I think if you go to buy them in the shop, you will be able to buy them for free, once each. Could be wrong. Sorry if you’ve already tried that and I’ve misunderstood you.

Obviously I assume you have installed all the DLC as well.