Clean mature racers to join our nightly races

Hope everyone is well. I have a group of older gents(40+). We race together almost every night between 10-12 pm Eastern time(sometimes earlier, sometimes later) We race clean, have mics, tell dirty jokes, and laugh allot. Sometimes we have up to 6 of us but usually it’s only 3 of us. We race every division depending on how we are feeling that evening. Some nights we just go on and screw around on Horizon 3 also. We are looking for similar minded laid back people who just enjoy racing and shooting the breeze. If anyone is interested in joining us add me as a friend and send me a message referencing race group. I will add you back so you can see when we are online. Than when we are on just go ahead and join our room and party chat. If you turn out to be a tool or squeaker you will be blocked going forward. Otherwise you may meet some new long term friends as the rest of us have been playing together going on 16 years and dozens of games.

My Xbox tag is Raptor Captain

Hope to meet some cool people!


I’m only 34 but looking for more people who are on at that time. Will send a FR my gt is capt nasties

I sent you a friends invite. You are welcome to join us.

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Kingrashid64326 add my gamertag

Add me. I will join when I can. Thanks.

Hello, I am new to Forza series. I would like to join you if possible; disko drle

I added all of you. Look forward to racing with you all. We should be on tonight.

I saw your invite but was in a 2o4f club race. You fellas gonna be on tonight?

I’d also like a break from the MP lobby rammers. I’m not always available, but when I am, I’m definitely up for some good clean races and raunchy dirty jokes.

My XBL GT is Phantom240

hey i doubt that you will even consider this but i have a few friends we are a younger group but love racing and being clean with it we are around the ages of 20 to 22 that are very mature for our age and we are trying to start our own racing league but we are also trying to meet new racers so if you would like some new racers to play with and maybe even join our lague when is starts that would be great my GT is DatBoi Charlie if you read this and would like some new people

Im in. Clean 40 year old driver

Count me in. I’m over 50 and still racing in Forza…gamertag: Bizman65