Caterham R500 view

I just recently got the Caterham R500. The car is nice, but the rearview mirror blocks your view, please fix this or remove it, I can’t see the car in front on a right handed or the apex even. I don’t like to drive in any other view but in car and this is killing me. Anyone in the turn 10 world listening? I sure hope so, lower it way down or remove it, it is right at road level and it sucks.

That’s now that car is like in the real world. They’re not going to move or remove it. I find it inconvenient but thats just how it is and I’ve learned to work around it. ,

I have the exact same problem with that Audi eTron racer. It’s the only car I’ve driven in chase view because if it isn’t directly in front of you, you can’t see it.

Well, in real life, I could remove the rearview mirror if I wanted to, so that should be an option.

Well, this is only a videogame; so …

I’ve heard tell that many real-world Caterham owners do just that.

I just got used to it after using it a lot. Car is insane. Love it. I have a great tune for it if anyone is interested. It handles amazing now and I have some great lap times with it.

Definitely bonnet view for me in the R500, every right apex hides behind that mahooosive rear view mirror.