Catastropohic power loss

Hi there. I’ve said it many times before (and others agree) this forum is bizarre. It is so difficult to navigate.

When I have navigated it successfully I never get a reply from the creators of the game. Weird?

Bugs will never get resolved if you don’t communicate with the community.

What is the bug?

You’ve given no details here

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Hi there.

Thank you for your reply. Below is my original post.

Love Forza Motorsport 8 but I’ve noticed a few new bugs appearing.

The most annoying bug is when racing, without going off track or having had an accident, the car inexplicably has a catastrophic loss off power in a particular gear. Changing down resolves this, but changing back up there is still a power loss. This never happened until a few weeks ago.

Secondly, down shifting sometimes results in an accidental double down shift causing a spin. Again, this has only started happening recently.

Thirdly, when exiting any race or career series the game crashes. This has always been occurring. No idea why as I’m using an XBox series x with Logitech peripherals.

Anyone have any idea why these issues are happening?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

1 bug per thread for tracking purposes (so they say)

Game crashing - may need to open a ticket with Forza support

Loss of power:

More info needed. Pc or console?

Record a clip and upload it

Double down shift:

Again, pc or console?

Record a clip

I didn’t have a loss of power. I don’t know why you’ve quoted me here.

I didn’t?

Unless it was the link for the crash thread

Yeah the link in your post quoted me initially, and it sent me a notification. It was in that thread. Whatever you edited changed it though, so I assume it was either accidental or a bug in the forum (which seems likely and unsurprising).

Actually I checked the notification again and it even says “linked” so I’m guessing when you linked that thread it, for whatever reason, linked my specific post instead of the whole thread.

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Hi there

Pretty sure I wrote that I was using an XBox series X with Logitech peripherals (Wheel and pedals). Obviously if the game crashes I do restart my XBox. No choice really. And obviously if the game didn’t crash and had issues the first thing I would do is reboot. Also, the crashing has been occurring for months. It only ever happens when exiting a particular free play or career series. It never happens during gameplay thankfully.

Thanks again for your help.

No I didn’t write that I’m using an XBox series X with Logitech peripherals. However, I’m still experiencing massive power loses virtualy every race. Any idea why?

Does it happen if you use the xsx controller instead of the Logitech gear?

Hi there robotiChart.

Thank you for your reply. I’ve eventually worked out why this is happening. I loaded up an old F1 game and noticed that was also having power loss. Then I realised that a couple of weeks ago I bought a new gaming seat. When fixing the steering wheel to the base I’d accidently crushed some of the wires. I opened up the cable but the wires were too wrecked and I’ve had to order a new wheel and pedal set. Not happy but that’s life I suppose. Thanks for trying to help me out. I’m sorry I blamed the problem on the game. I’m now playing back at full speed and am loving FM8 once again.

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Ouch, shame about the new gear needed :frowning:
Least you know now tho!