Cars - Wheels texture quality decreases when accelerating and colors may pop to black

I’m well aware about the trick Forza Motorsport uses to make it look like wheels are spinning by making them blurry, but having the rims change color as you ride simply won’t cut it.

I’m reporting this as an error cause it cannot possibly meant to be looking this rubbish?

Its so bad. Ive never seen a game with such poor wheel textures. Wouldve expected better from something that was ‘built from the ground up’


It wasn’t built from the ground up, no matter many times they say it :smile:


Agreed as well. Wheel in GT7 look like they’re actually spinning accurately with the cars speed but Forza wheel spin feels gimmicky, like I’m being tricked.


Indeed. As far as I know, Forza has always used this “trick” and it’s never really bothered me. But in 2024 with modern technology, I’d expect T10 to be able to be able to make it look somewhat realistic without the rim changing color as it start to spin…


You’ll notice some wheels look chromed when not in direct sunlight. Switching camera between sides of the car shows the difference. Lighting is completely broken for wheels altogether I would say.

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There’s absolutely some brightness/lighting bugs going on. It’s been like that since launch.

Whenever I go to showroom autovista and jump into a car, the interior can sometimes be so dark that I cannot see the details of the dashboard and interior. Hard restart the game and go straight back to the same car in autovista and the lighting is completely different and everything is much brighter.

So yeah, it’s not great…

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Does this issue still persist after recent updates? Would it be possible to provide a new video of this in action?

We are closing out this issue. The developers have noted this issue as Issue not occurring anymore or Unable to reproduce.

If you are still experiencing this issue you can create a new topic. Please link this topic in the new topic for reference and provide video/screenshots to help the investigation.

At the time of the closing this topic had 23 votes.

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